Description: This is based on "UltraBlack" from Solisx7, see:
Changes: - Red to blue. - Smaller window borders. - Font handling. - New "Start" icon. - New LED-Clock. - New background image - Maybe something I don't remember right now.
This theme looks best on a Netbook-Screen.
On the Screenshot you can also see the GTK-Theme "Oversword Dark", see: and the icon-theme "Shining Reprise", see:
Have fun and sorry for my bad english! Last changelog:
1.0.1: - New restore button. - Changed image format for the background from xpm to png. - Changed the icon on the Start-button to a not distribution specific one. Will add more (distribution specific, based on the places/*-start-here.svg files from Shining Reprise) + a little "howto change them" later.
1.0.2: - Added distribution specific Start-buttons. - Wrote a Readme.txt and merged the Changelog.txt into it. - Translated the Readme.txt to Readme_de.txt. - New Window Borders (no more pixmaps for right, left, bottom). - New menu background (smaller pixmap). - New dialog background (no pixmap anymore). - Changed a few other colors (better interaktion with "Oversword Dark" GTK-Theme). - Modified the show desktop, windowlist, collapse and expand buttons.
IceWM is a stacking window manager for the X Window System graphical infrastructure, written by Marko Maček. It was written from scratch in C++ and is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Wikipedia
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