Deck The Halls
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
As said on my Deviant Art page:
"Here's a little Christmas themed goodness for ya...
I couldn't find a good GTK theme to use with it, so I settled with Murrine-Blood. (Yes, it's gruesome, but it works.) This is about as Christmasy as I'm going to get this year... Sheesh.
EDIT: One more thing... I know the lot of you don't like leaving comments for improvement... But you know, it'd be really nice if you give suggestions about what I did right or wrong. It'd certainly keep me from making crappy themes. Don't be afraid, now.
Thanks. Last changelog:
"Here's a little Christmas themed goodness for ya...
I couldn't find a good GTK theme to use with it, so I settled with Murrine-Blood. (Yes, it's gruesome, but it works.) This is about as Christmasy as I'm going to get this year... Sheesh.
EDIT: One more thing... I know the lot of you don't like leaving comments for improvement... But you know, it'd be really nice if you give suggestions about what I did right or wrong. It'd certainly keep me from making crappy themes. Don't be afraid, now.
Ver 1.0: Initial release on Deviant Art / Box-look.org
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