Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Original work by:
Paul "mattahan" Davey
--> thanx for the mirror.
download link fixed!
added desktop icons - home, trash, cdrom, etc... and some other misc ones.
view the readme for best results.
Ratings & Comments
this is the best iconset i've ever seen. great job!
Hi, sir, i am so glad with your excellent works, they are brlliant, the best ones i ever met using linux, but, could you add the missing icon for Monitorsetting? Thanks a lot
http://overlay.uberpenguin.net/icons-xfce-gant-3.9-6.tar.bz2 Working to get this committed to the sunrise overlay on gentoo.
i've made an upload on rapidshare here is the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/112033943/Gant.tar.bz2.html the file is 32mb big (huge) because i've added the garGANTuan icon theme greets ape
Hi, i really like your theme, i had it but after formatting i tried to redownload it and its no longer working The requested URL /tmp/icons-xfce-gant-3.9-6.tar.bz2 was not found on this server. Could you please fix this? Thank you and congratulations, the best icon set for xubuntu in my view
I have been fighting with this issue for months now. My Thunar file manager insists on showing old icons (from the theme selected *before* Gant) for stuff e.g. multimedia and graphics icons :-( .
crap link is dead =) please fix it
Yeah, it says something about bandwidth exceeded since days... Anyway, your icon theme is amazing, thanks a lot.
Cool, already working! Thanks a lot for this GREAT icon theme. Almost all icons i tested for xfce suck.
i registered to say thank you. great package!
Icons I had to add (adhering to freedesktop standards?): apps/system-file-manager.png apps/accessories-text-editor apps/utilities-terminal.png apps/applications-development.png apps/applications-graphics.png apps/applications-multimedia.png apps/applications-office.png apps/applications-games.png and from my previous post: places/user-home.png places/user-trash.png places/user-trash-full.png (or equivalent PNGs in xfce folder?)
Had to add a 'places' folder in 48x48 and 128x128 with the following three icons: user-home.png, user-trash.png and user-trash-full.png. Otherwise, excellent!
These Icons are wonderful... I have only one problem... I am using xfce 4.3svn (xubuntu) THe icons from the Settingsmanager arent changed :-( what do i have to do ?? Filemanager Thunar xffm rox etc. work fine the Panel also Thx XamDM
Very good work e very nice the font on the window border, may you tell me the name (of the font)? Keep on doing it :)
Good work, thanx for making this packages
Thanks for bring this icon set for us!!!