Shining Reprise
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It has more apps, more icons, a couple modifications from Shining Black.
Still open for requests.
Menu icons include the following distros and logos: Arch, Debian, Fedora, Foresight, Linuxmint, Mandriva, OpenSuse, Ubuntu, Slackware, Gentoo, Sabayon, KDE, XFCE and Tux.
DRI logo used in logout icons belongs to its owner.
Star Wars logos used in emblems belong to LucasArts.
102: many new apps, as sugested and provided by PunkNadel; (still) better support for XFCE; Slackware and Gentoo added for menus.
103: some games, dvd::rip, LiVES, Hardware Listener, and xfce4-weather support as indicated by PunkNadel. Brasero animation is now working.
104: added: deadbeef player, decibel audio player, emacs, vim, red notebook, epdf viewer, text room, gqview, fotoxx, terminator, poedit, sweet home 3d, assault cube, openarena, urban terror, sauerbraten, pingus, super tux, nevernoid, lbreakout, breakout, metal blob solid, Skype, Ubuntu-Tweak, Picasa, Shutter, Comix, Giver, Dropbox, RealPlayer, Docky, midori, galeon, sabayon,
Ratings & Comments
Hi, after a long time I'm looking again at this side and can see... that nothing has changed... :( So lonerocker, are you still working on it (and if not: are you working on anything other?) or is it time for a fork? ;)
I'm actually satisfied with this theme, but if you want to continue it or make a fork, go ahead. After this one I was working on Roedor, also for XFCE and Gnome.
All I could do is replacing a few death links (some progs don't show the icons anymore). I think that's not enough for a fork. But maybe some time in the future I will learn how to make good looking SVGs and then I could fork it, if you don't update it till then. :)
@brainvision: the 103 version is not for XFCE only, it's just I uploaded last night, before going to bed, and I just haven't uploaded in gnome-look yet. Besides, this version also inlcudes the apps in PunkNadel list (dvd::rip, Lives and hardware listener), I just forgot to mention it. If you have more apps suggestions, feel free to ask. I'm glad it's been enjoyed.
hi lonerocker I'm very happy to see that you are still working on shining reprise and that it likes so much to all the people (more than 2100 downloads at gnome-look!! in 2 months!! WOW)!! as you titled this topic, I would like to ask for.. a couple of things :) 1. it seems that it had been mods on these sites, 'cauze 'till last gtk theme I upload for my account, uploading something to www.xfce-look.org was like upload it at gnome-look, too, and to kde-look and so on..! All the servers were linked, in 2 words.. Now rules are changed? I saw that also comments are different in shining repirse between xfce-look and gnome-look! A few months ago they were the same everywhere!! 2. I tried shining reprise for pidgin tray.. but it's not working! 3. my list: - deadbeef player - decibel audio player - emacs - vim - red notebook - epdf viewer - text room - gqview - fotoxx - terminator - another terminal icon version - poedit - sweet home 3d - (games, games: assault cube, openarena, urban terror, sauerbraten, pingus, super tux, nevernoid, lbreakout, breakout, metal blob solid.. and so on :D :D ) Thank you very much, my friend.. see ya!
1). In xfce-look there is the category for "xfce icon theme", and in gnome-look for "gnome icon theme", thus, the same theme appears as different when it's actually the same. Same thing with the comments. As for gtk themes is a shared category, that's why a theme appears on both (and others that use gtk) sites. 2). what version of pidgin do you have?, for themes I think you need 2.6 or above. If it's not this, don't know what to say. 3).I take note. 4). thanks again for the comments.
i'm using the last 2.7.0 version! :D I noticed that in the tray directory there is this structure: dir: 16/status dir: hicolor in the hicolor dir there are: dir: 16/status dir: 24/status dir: 32/status dir: 64/status and in eache dir the filenames are like: pidgin-*.* while yours are tray-offline and so on.. I try to follow the same structure of the original icons but they still don't work!!
can you post that comment at the shining for pidgin, please? it's more appropiate there, and may be other people with the same issue.
hi man, very good icons, I must admit! The theme was one of my preferred 'till the original release but this is much better, even if I think you have to add a lot of icons, haven't you?? just a little personal suggestion: slackware on, please!! why all the themes are always missing the icon for this fundamental release?? Thank you very much for paying attention and please go on with Shinig!, it's so coll!! bye bye, man, see you soon!! :D
thanks for the comment. can you tell me what other icons I should add?, so I can include them along with slackware
Here are a few (I'm) missing: - Blueman - Emerald Theme Manager - Thunderbird - OpenOffice - BeanShell Prompt - Bless Hex Editor - Fonty Python Font Manager - Xfig - EasyTAG - GNOME Mplayer - HandBrake - LiVES - Parole Media-Player - X-CD-Roast - XdTV - dvd::rip - gtk-recordMyDesktop - ripperX - xine (ui?) - Chromium - SeaMonkey - Uget - gFTP - vncviewer - allmost all games i've installed *g* - GKrellM - Hardware Listener - USB Viewer - Wireshark - Galculator - Qemulator - Xarchiver ;)
it's a long list, but I think I can do it. some of those apps are already done, but I'll check them.
the longer the list, the better the icons *fg* there are also some navigation icons missing: http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/2258/bildschirmfoto180520101.png (navigation of chromium with GTK style)
Don't have Chromium, and don't know the name of those icons. If you can tell me those names, I could do it.
I just installed Chromium (from the ubuntu repositories)and those icons work fine.
That's strange. In exaile the buttons are wrong, too: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/3509/bildschirmfoto180520102.png But I have no idea how to find out the icon names.
It is strange indeed, in Exaile all icons are rightly shown
Maybe its becouse we're using different distros? I'm using gentoo linux. Is there any way to find out the icons used by an application? P.S. I have a few commandos which will let the xfce4-mixer-plugin use the right icons: Go to scalable/status and execute this: ln -s notification-audio-volume-off.svg xfce4-mixer-volume-ultra-low.svg ln -s audio-volume-low.svg xfce4-mixer-volume-low.svg ln -s audio-volume-high.svg xfce4-mixer-volume-high.svg ln -s audio-volume-high.svg xfce4-mixer-volume-very-high.svg ln -s audio-volume-medium.svg xfce4-mixer-volume-medium.svg ln -s audio-volume-medium.svg xfce4-mixer-volume-low-medium.svg ln -s audio-volume-muted.svg xfce4-mixer-volume-muted.svg :)
I found the error with the navigation-buttons: They were theme setted. Modifying the theme to not overwrite them solved this. :)
Here are some more fixups (all found by looking to other icon sets, so the question is still there: Is there any way to find out the icons used by an application?) go to scalable/apps/ and execute: ln -s thunderbird.svg thunderbird-icon.svg ln -s bluetooth.svg blueman-applet.svg ln -s bluetooth.svg blueman-device.svg ln -s bluetooth.svg blueman.svg ln -s mplayer.svg gnome-mplayer.svg ln -s mplayer.svg gmplayer.svg ln -s mplayer.svg vmplayer.svg ln -s ../emotes/face-monkey.svg eatmonkey.svg ln -s accessories-calculator.svg galculator.svg
and some more missing (and one wrong?) links: rm xchat.svg ln -s internet-group-chat.svg xchat.svg ln -s accessories-dictionary.svg xfce4-dict.svg ln -s gtkam.svg gtkam-camera.svg and some icon names (i made icons for them which work: http://rapidshare.com/files/389086291/icons.tar.bz2 - but that are just examples. I never worked with vector graphics before so they are really dirty ^^): ooo-gulls.svg qemulator.svg usb_icon.svg wireshark.svg
hi PunkNadel.. you know, that's really strange what it's happening here :D :D! I try to explain myself: just few days ago I open a thread on the xfce official forum where I was asking for a solution to the fact that all the icon themes are perfectly suited for gnome but we can't say the same thing for xfce! They answered me the trick to have, for example, the right icons for the volume.. and the trick is what you wrote down here just a couple of days after!! http://forum.xfce.org/index.php?topic=5438.0 This is the link to the xfce forum thread. The question is really more complex and big, because it regards the icon names specification, which they would have some standards rules! Another question for lonerocke: I saw that you made modifications and upload a new version only for xfce-look.. How can you do such a thing? I still have some icons to suggest you: are you still working to PunkNadel's list? Thanks very much for paying attention! see you soon!(, I'm sure! :D :D)
I've made a new release including most apps in the list, excepting these ones: - LiVES - dvd::rip - Hardware Listener Couldn't find apps with those names. May be if you give me some info, I could work on them. Games will be on a next version.
very nice :) More infos about the 3 apps: http://lives.sourceforge.net/ (icon-name: lives.*) http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/ (icon-name: dvdrip.*) http://ezix.org/project/wiki/HardwareLiSter (icon-name: not found!) If you like, here are some game-icons i made: http://rapidshare.com/files/389816160/GameIcons.tar.bz2 and some fixups (some are for the game icons): ln -s openttd.svg openttd.32.svg ln -s pysol.svg pysol01.svg ln -s pysol.svg pysol02.svg ln -s secondlife.svg secondlife_icon.svg ln -s OpenLieroX.svg OpenLieroX.16.svg ln -s OpenLieroX.svg OpenLieroX.32.svg ln -s OpenLieroX.svg OpenLieroX.64.svg ln -s OpenLieroX.svg OpenLieroX.128.svg ln -s OpenLieroX.svg OpenLieroX.160.svg ln -s OpenLieroX.svg OpenLieroX.alt.svg ln -s google-chrome.svg Chromium_Logo.svg ln -s bless.svg bless-48x48.svg ln -s easytag.svg EasyTAG_icon.svg ln -s x-cd-roast.svg xcdroast.svg ln -s gtk-recordMyDesktop.svg gtk-recordmydesktop.svg ln -s ripperx.svg ripperX-icon.svg ln -s uget.svg uget-icon.svg :)
I wrote a patch for the xfce4-weather plugin which offers an easy solution for custom icons (see: http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6464 ) Is it possible to make the missing weather icons? It looks nice with the icons providet but it's not the best ^^ Keep in mind that this icon set would be the first one with custom weather icons if the patch goes upstream :)