These themes are a mod of the Overglossed theme by TheRob that I have modified to give users more colour choices. Human (Orange), Wine (Red) and Wise (Green) have all currently been uploaded. i have not added the other standard Brave (blue) as i feel this has been covered adepuately by the original theme (a link for which can be found below). I have plans of eventually releasing more colours (yellow planned next) and will happily take requests. I have also already created a black version of this theme which can be found through a separate download (see link). All credits should go to TheRob for creating the original theme.
I also used took alot of inspiration from the purpleglossed theme by wgw.
As Always i would GREATLY appreciate any and all feedback positive and negative, particularly if it is constructive. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy my themes.

-3 Gtk themes
-3 Metacity themes
-3 Emerald themes
::Some useful links bellow::
Original Overglossed theme:
Overglossed Black theme:
PurpleGlossed theme:
Overglossed Emerald:
Icon Theme: black-white 2 Style
Ratings & Comments
Will there be a version for xfce?
...well, since my last post, I have to say this is definitely improved. Personally, I'm not a fan of black themes, but I still voted this one good.
Thanks for the praise, im glad you think its an improvement =)
Hi, Ive been having problems changing the preview pictures, the pictures themselves seem to have changed to what i want however the thumbnails seem to have remained the same even if i delete then add a new pictuer. Does anyone know what i can do to over come this?
It seems finally to have resolved itself (took over a day lol)
thank's for the nice color-combination!!! good job :)
Thanks Kai =)
Thanks for this one! I love it this clashes, IMHO.
Good work! The scrollbars look gorgeous. I think of the column headers, progress guages, and the other rounded stuff were made to match the theme would look really tight.
I'm glad my work inspired someone, never tought it could. And congratulations for your job, it is a lot of work to color change all the buttons and stuffs. Regards.