I thought I would drop it here first. Even before I have put it on our homepage. Merry Xmas.
This theme pack will not set squat for you. You will have to set the theme etc.
Included in the deb:
1 GTK / Metacity theme
2 Emerald themes
1 Icon set
1 Wallpaper
1 GDM (Jaunty or less)
1 Cursor set
1 Compiz cube cap
1 XSplash (optional & separate package)
Should you decide to install the xsplash (Karmic+ users only) it will replace your current xsplash. If you are unhappy with the xsplash you can replace it by entering the following in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-xsplash-artwork
Wallpaper - redteam316
Icon set - freebird67 (I created all home folder based icons in gimp)
GTK2 / Metacity - keithhedger (many modifications here)
Emerald Themes - I created
GDM Theme - Made with my TheeMahn's GDM Maker using redteams wallpaper.
XSplash Theme - Made with TheeMahn's XSplash maker using redteams wallpaper.
Ratings & Comments
Love The icons!
Just browsing looking for some xmas icons and come across this and I thought to myself hello that looks familiar and it was thanks for the credit! and a good xmas theme I'm about to download it now
Bet you never thought you would get a complaint about your buttons being to BIG ! LOL !
I just want to know how to make them normal size, like in KDE. I've never seen them to be proportional - they are ugly, they are spoil everything. The question, is in possible to make that rectangles smaller, shorter and narrower? Thanks
I'll see what I can do, time permitting. Thanks for bringing it to my attention; I have it fixed locally. I just don't have time to deb it up, upload it and update the repo. It does look sharper with smaller buttons.
Hi I would like to ask. On the first preview there is PATH to folder. Is it possible to make that buttons smaller - they are too big. The same on the third preview (usr/share/icon)