A version of my Azenis theme that i have differs from the original by being red rather than blue =) I hope you enjoy it and feel free to ask any questions or leave suggestions.
Thanks and i hope you enjoy my theme
The Icon theme can be found here...
The original theme can be found here...

-Gtk and Metacity themes
-Nautilus background
Ratings & Comments
I spoke before I read it thoroughly. I tracked them down.. Keep up the good work man!
Dude your themes are awesome! I downloaded the blue one and changed some of the font colors. Then I googled "Azenis" and found the red one, had to have it. I love red and black stuff... Anyway, It's applied and all, except for the icon pack? It says it won't look right because the Azenis Red Icons are not installed. Got a link to those?
What are the names of the font and cursor and where can I get them? When I installed the theme, they weren't there.
The font is called saved by zero. I meant to include it in this download so i apologise for it not being there. Ill include it in the next update i do for this theme. In the mean time you can either find it in the standard (blue) version or i can e-mail it to you if you like. Unfortunately the cursor them is yet to be finished it is on my list of things to do however i still am not expecting to have it finished any time soon
Thank you, I found the font, but I'm having a bit of trouble installing it into the theme. I'll suppose I'll stay updated for that mouse theme. ;) Thanks for the great theme.
Ok what you need to do is ensure that it is either in usr/share/fonts or your .fonts folder in your home directory (you can make one if there isn't one already). Then simply go to your appearance preferences and change it in your fonts tab
Thanks for all your help. I realized, I forgot to make ".fonts" plural. XP
Thanks for all your help. I realized, I forgot to make ".fonts" plural. XP
Great Theme! Looks very modern unlike most linux themes. I noticed that the red theme uses the blue icons on my computer. I didn't notice any red icon packages, is it just me or is it just the blue icons?
currently there are only the blue icons though i am hopefully intending to release a red icon set at some point =)
I have now released a Red icon set for this theme, it can be found here on the Azenis Icons page as a secondary download link... http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=107544&vote=good&tan=18349519
Alternatively it's worth checking out the options under the tools menu - An awful lot of helpful options are there which should help to solve issues you may be having with color. The toolbar and icons are adjustable too just check the customization tab for the options :)
This theme is great, but it is not compatible with OpenOffice Calc, the icons on toolbar become characters, and the colors of content are all messed up, can you fix it? thanks al ot.
This is not actually a problem with the theme just a bug with openoffice. For some reason it can't handle dark themes and will either replace the icons with hi contrast ones or text. there is no real fix to this however the open office people are aware of the issue and are apparently going to have it fixed in approx a years time
May i propose you make the Progressbars a little darker in the red color, so they match the rest of the theme? Kind Regards MikeDK Looks nice thou
Agreed, ill have them looking darker for the next update thanks for the suggestion =)