note: I have no idea what this theme looks like in Xfce 4.2 or Gnome for that matter, so sorry if it looks weird

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
v6.0 - to many changes to list, the most major change is the panel now uses the smooth engine
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
Other GTK2 Themes:
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Ratings & Comments
The new scrollbars are very hard to use, the handle doesn't stand out really.
i agree! try v5.1.1, they should be easier to see now... thanx
Any plan to make a more vivid color version? Thanks.
what colors would you prefer?
Digital Harmony style, but without the highlighted scrollbars.
Based on me. Hehe.
You as a person or a theme made by you? :-)
The original Sylver theme was based on another theme called Fingel, which I had actually made for Fingel :)
A wonderful theme, thank you for the effort.
very nice work! :) btw, which windeco are you using on that screenshot?
it's called blackwall. It comes w/ XFwm4 CVS...