Murrine Silk
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This theme is based on the Cloudscape:
I found Cloudscape cool, but it didn't go well with my own xfwm4 theme, so I decided to modify it... Finally I've done many more changes than primarily intended "just menubar change". I've also improved its look in some applications I use (like Code::Blocks).
Ah - did I mention that I don't like the scrolling-buttons on the scrollbars? I finally managed to get rid of them! (well... almost, but you won't see them)
I am happy with this theme, and I hope you'll like it too :-).
If you are going to vote it bad, please leave a comment why.
I would like to create a good, bug-free theme, but I am unable to test it with every possible application, so your opinion may help me to improve it :-).
2009-06-02: Some minor improvements and the scrolling buttons finally removed using a trick, that works with OpenOffice.
2009-05-22: Changed the panel again - the dark one was not welcome by the users (it caused the rating drop from 53% to 38%, so this apparently must have been the issue)
2009-05-09: Reworked panel style - changed to dark (I hope it works ok with Gnome)
2009-05-01: Changed the menu hilights to lighter colors.
2009-04-27: OpenOffice does not accept scrollbars without steppers, so I had to add them. Also the listbox hilights are more flat (and thus more readable), and tooltip background changed to white.
2009-04-26: License changed to LGPL as the base theme "Cloudscape" is also LGPL.
Ratings & Comments
hi Dear, I just have one question referring to this theme. I found the same thing here with this nice window-border: http://linux.softpedia.com/progScreenshots/Murrine-Silk-Screenshot-47414.html Can anybody tell me, which Windowborder this is?? I am looking for it everywhere. Where can I find this nice Windowborder?? Greetings and Thanks in advance, Karmicbastler
This is my own theme for XFWM4 window manager, which is part of XFCE4 desktop environment. There is no port of it to other WM as far as I know. You can find it there: http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Second?content=101925
no disrespect to anyone or the creator here, but this looks horrid in my opinion.
Thanks for your opinion. Unfortunately I cannot satisfy everyone - some prefer "glossy" look, while others like the "flat" and minimalistic ones. This one is definitely the "glossy" one, but I tried to keep it readable :-).
haha ya. i do prefer the small, and flat look. this is a screenshot of my current desktop: http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/8664/screenshot.png
THAT is disgusting! just look at the black border that just stops at the window frame. no gradient, nothing...
Lol, you're fucking stupid.
Please stop fighting guys :)
It looks a little smoother than Cloudscape. Good Theme.
Thanks a lot, especially it is from the creator of the original theme :).
Why is the font and buttons on titlebar so big, do you have problems with your eyes.
I am the unfortunate user of 15.4" laptop with insanely high, 1680x1050 px resolution, the victim of the advertising specialists... ;) To be honest - this resolution is cool when using some 3D graphics stuff, but it is painful in everyday use, unless you set the fonts about that big.