Description: A human-like colorscheme for GTK 2.x and Openbox, based on the Mist look-and-feel. Perfect for those of us who either use an older machine as a main axe or an older laptop for on-the-road work, and don't have the hardware for fancy graphics. Or maybe you just want a warm colorscheme but always loved simple themes.
GTK 2.x theme originally based on SouthSide theme with different colorscheme and Thinice scrollbars (dependent on Mist, Redmond95 and Thinice), and the pixmaps and original theme file for the Openbox theme are from the Mist Openbox theme with a much different color scheme.
If your titlebars are much smaller than in the screenshot, make sure to set your screen DPI in ~/.Xresources, for example if your screen DPI is 96, you'd add this to your .Xresources file:
Ratings & Comments
What's the filer you're using ? It doesnt look like nautilus.
That's Thunar: It's possible, but not ultra-easy yet, to replace Nautilus with Thunar. The script introduced there uses system() instead of exec() for some reason. Also, it's not very robust. I keep meaning to take a stab at rewriting it.