reNIX (for Unity and GS)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
reNIX is a squared variation of the unity and metacity themes GTKdroid and Nööp packaged with a tweaked version of GTK3 theme NIX.
All credits to the original authors.
- Wallpaper 1: http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/Derp-271379331
- Wallpaper 2: http://simpledesktops.com/browse/desktops/2011/jul/23/blue-progression/
- Icon theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/?content=136508
- Font: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Aller/
Changelog (14-08-12): repackaged and renamed metacity
Changelog (15-08-12): added a new alternative metacity theme for Gnome Shell (reNIX GS).
Changelog (16-08-12): change prelight colors in metacity and Unity themes.
Changelog (19-08-12): added recommended wallpaper
Changelog (20-08-12): reNIX GS metacity with new borders and other minor fixes.
Changelog (22-08-12): color fixed in unity panel and other minor fixes. Added new Gnome Shell theme.
Changelog (25-08-12): fixed search button in nautilus.
Changelog (29-08-12): menu font color changed and unified.
Changelog (01-09-12): no real changes. Just added a link to both wallpapers in the description.
Changelog (25-12-12): Ported to GTK 3.6.
Ratings & Comments
the buttons (close, minimize...) don't show up as shown. gnome 3.6
I loved using this theme in Ubuntu 12.04 but it's not working properly in 12.10. Please port this awesome theme to GTK 3.6!
Updated. It have some little bugs to fix, but you can use it right now.
I'm sorry, but it's not working. That is, not via Ubuntu Tweak (not visible) using 12.10 Unity
Same with Gnome Tweak Tool :-( Folder is placed in usr/share/themes
That is weird... try to extract it in home/.themes In muy Ubuntu Tweak is listed at the end of the list by the name "renix-gtk-master".
Thanks for the update to GTK 3.6! The best way to make it show up in Ubuntu Tweak is to copy it into /usr/share/themes, right click on it, open Properties and in the Permissions tab make sure that the Folder Access and File Access are listed as Access file and Read only respectively (for all users). I have also noticed that some elements don't appear in the new GTK 3.6 version of the theme. When I used the GTK 3.4 version of the theme, there was a nice-looking blue line underneath a toolbar button when it was hovered over and clicked. Unfortunately it doesn't appear in the new 3.6 version. Also, the text entry fields and scrollbars don't appear at all for me. There may be a few more things that also don't appear, but I haven't noticed them yet. This is a really awesome theme and I wanted to thank you for it. Hopefully those bugs can be fixed soon :)
Also, different unselected tabs can't be identified (there used to be a separating line between two unselected tabs but that also disappeared).
Thanks jsteeves! I have noticed these and another bugs to strycore, who is kindly working in this port, given I can't do it. I hope he can solve them soon.
I just tried out a new theme called Plane-Gtk3 (http://goo.gl/Pvvlp). It includes some similar elements to reNIX which work perfectly with GTK 3.6. For example, the text entry field works perfectly in this theme. I hope that you and strycore would find some parts of the Plane-Gtk3 theme useful with fixing the bugs in the reNIX theme.
I installed the PPA from upubuntu.com. Now it works (without chanching rights). Can you take a look at my picture at http://www.mijnbestand.nl/Bestand-SHIROGSQLWNP.png I mean the buttons in the red squarre. Can you make the background of the buttons light gray ?
OK. I see. You are using nautilus 3.6. I guess it can be fixed.
Hello, first of all, congratulations for the theme! Could you make a future version of this theme changing the blue for green, if possible? Thank you for your attention, and once again congratulations for the work =]
Hi, great theme. But seems I get some trouble with font color, when using command "yelp man:man" - font is white, and background is white - unreadable. Not sure if really theme fault. Someone else have this issue?
doesn't it work on Ubuntu 11.10 ?
I have not tested, but I think it doesn't. Because Ubuntu 11.10 uses gnome 3.2 instead 3.4 and an older version of Unico engine. Sorry man, time to update ;)
I'm waiting for 12.10 (and skip 12.04.1) because of too much troubles with 12.04. Great picture though ;-)
I copied the folders to my /usr/share/themes/ directory, but i can't find it listed in the theme selection dropbox in Advance Settings(Ubuntu Tweak Tool) I'm currently using NIX but would love to try this. Thanks in advance.
Same with me
Just do this: # chmod -R 755 /usr/share/themes/reNIX that's going to fix it
It works, thanks, but the latest feature, different prelight colors for minimize/maximize/close does not seem to be working :(
Oops, you are right. There's been a problem uploading the new file in the server. I have uploaded it again. Download it one more time, select the theme and restart Unity to apply the changes. It must be right now. Thanks for your comment and your notice.
Thanks man, it works now and it looks better :)
can you share that wallpaper?
Sure. http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/Derp-271379331