Plastiq Gtk3
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Dark Theme, uses unico engine
Please report any bugs.
Screenshot 2: The Widget Factory GTK3
Screenshot 3: The Widget Factory GTK2
LibreOffice/VirtualBox users, there is no known fix (a workaround exists, that's setting a different theme for that apps only) for the color issues
You can find an alternative gtkrc inside gtk-2.0 using a lighter color.
As the downloads are now linked to my dropbox account this info page may be outdated, 'cause I repack my theme everytime I change something.
This theme needs to be placed in /usr/share/themes to work properly
placing it under ~/.themes/ will cause ugly gradients.
Add ppa:worg/themes to your sources, install:
sudo apt-get install plastiq-gtk-theme
and enjoy
Available on AUR
Refined mutter/metacity themes
Refined backdrop styles
PPA for precise
Minor tweaks
Gnome 3.4 ready!
New tabs
Inset text on menus and toolbars
Reduced roundness on widgets
New mutter theme
Revamped shell theme (we've got shadows )
more Inkscape fixes
Better overall look
Darker TreeViews/Lists on gtk2 (I kept black text for compatibility)
Gnome-Shell Theme
Gtk2 theme now more consistent with gtk3 style
-buttons, toolbars, menus, tabs-
(I mean, now you almost shouldn't be able to notice
whether you are on a gtk2 or gtk3 app)
Inkscape SpinButton text fixed
New textfield style
Firefox text fields ugly white background removed
Tweaked metacity theme
Ratings & Comments
ubuntu 12.04 unity http://i.imgur.com/upztR.png
Let me check it, I hadn't upgraded my system in a long time, so maybe [and I'm almost sure] it's a breaking change in unico-engine. Unfortunately my time is limited now [I'm attending college and I've got a job now] but as long as I've an hour or two I'll check it, thanks for the feedback ;)
seems like that was a one time thing, i switched back today and it works as it should.
update manager has ran since then so maybe that fixed fixed something
Is there a way to turn off the dimming when a window looses focus?
Yes, edit gtk-widgets.css file inside gtk-3.0 folder and remove any block with :backdrop in front of a class. If you've worked before with css or c lang it's pretty easy
Gracias!! Uno de mis favoritos. Un saludo.
Gracias a tí por usarlo. Saludos!
Hola Worg, primero de todo felicitarte por el tema, esta genial!,muy guapo! te escribo en castellano, porque he visto que has hecho tu también un comentario en castellano, de ingles voy muy justito ... tengo actualmente la beta de ubuntu 12.04 y tengo un problema en el centro de software, me aparece el fondo y el texto en blanco, ¿como puedo solucionarlo? saludos :)
Gracias por usarlo primero que nada, y que bueno que te guste ;D, sobre la beta déjame la bajo y veo que cambiaron (para el lúnes te tengo una respuesta, y quizá nuevos paquetes para precise) ya que no uso ubuntu saludos y gracias por avisar del bug.
Ok! gracias worg que pases un buen fin de semana. Saludos.
I really like it!
Error (500)
Try downloading again, it seems to be fine now, I think it was a Dropbox issue
Thanks very much! Great theme, voted good! Gracias :)
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/683/plastiq.png/ Sorry, do not speak english
Solved....Restarting Nautilus
Hola, te recomiendo que pases el tema a /usr/share/themes/ en lugar de ~/.themes porque a mí me ha dado errores con los colores y degradados poniendolo ahí (igual y es cosa de mi distro, no uso ubutu) Saludos!
I love this style:) good work man:) thumbs up...
This theme is really slick. I like the color choices. I do think I'll be experimenting with the blue hue though, as a burnt orange or a red might look great there as well. I keep opening applications expecting to see errors but so far everything is great. The ONLY thing is in LibreOffice spreadsheet, the numbers on the columns/rows are black on black-ish background. Someone above mentioned the black text in Tools - Options. I have a feeling these two things might be related. Besides that, seriously, great job. I dig this theme quite a lot (especially after that pink bug fix). :)
Thanks for using it bro!
This is great man! Would it be possible to change the blue color to something like an ubuntu orange? I really want to use this theme, but blue doesnt match with anything i ever use. lol :/ nice work man.
Thanks, you can tweak your theme, just open the theme path and edit gtk.css changing a lot (I use a lot of different blue colors) of # codes to the corresponding hex of orange ubuntu-ish -if you've ever worked with css or web is pretty easy-. I could do it and send you but, unfortunately I'm a little bit bussy nowadays.
Hey!! could you check out the orange variation? and let me know any suggestion/bug/improvement