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Blapple is a dark apple-like theme. it is based on Marples-black, and is a gtk3.2 theme.

Gtk3.2 broke the original Blapple, so i had to re-base it from Marples. I've redone the scrollbars, and a number of pixmaps, and have more modifications planned.

A bunch of minor fixes on this update, and a parsing error was addressed.


Quick Note: Firefox by default uses your gtk theme. this can cause issues, especially with dark themes - if you have issues with Firefox - text boxes being black, cant read text, etc...'ll need to access about:config (firefox config) in FF's addressbar, then type 'colors' in the searchbar... you can set firefox to ignore your theme colors, and/or specify your own colors ~ just open youtube in a separate tab (or other problematic sites), while you modify them to suit. it works like a charm


a few people have asked me for a couple of my GFX/logo/icons that i have made for gnome, they are available for download below, here is a quick run down of where they go, in the linux file-system;

* 1. Alien Gnome Logo

this file is called "side.png", and is used with gnome-system-monitor. Simply replace the existing side.png found here;


* 2. Gnome-tweak-tool alternate logo

the file is called "welcome.png" you must replace;


with the new welcome.png file.

I use Archlinux, which allows me to stop future updates to both these files (so my logos never get replaced through an update ~ the NoUpgrade flag in pacman.conf). But i'm not sure how to do this in other distro's, so you are on your own, im sure it's possible though...

*NEW* 3. Gnome-system-monitor 3.1.4 (dark remix, black graphs, other tweaks)

For this you will have to have GIT installed, and be willing to compile it because the colors are 'hardcoded', i have removed the cairo highlight tab crap... *my alien logo doesn't need to be downloaded seperately as it lives in my git branch. i have made other subtle changes to the source code.

steps from commandline;

1. git clone git://

2. cd into directory

3. ./

4. ./configure --prefix=/usr

5. make

6. sudo make install

Last changelog:

Oct 5

* matching gtk2 to gtk3 (scrollbars, etc)
* various fixes
* New Toolbars
* New Scrollbars
* new version
* too many changes to list
* gtk3.2 upgrade

Aug 29th

* added license
* tonal/shade adjustments
* misc color fixes
* menubar pixmap fix + other menu fix
* fixed gtk2 scrollbar
* added new bg for scrollbar
* modified gtkswitches
* removed a few pixmaps (old)

* submitted

Ratings & Comments



This is by far the greatest looking theme out there :D I have made a few changes here and there and i have some problems and hoped you'd be able to help me out with. Seems as if i can't upload the pic i highlighted my issues with so i'm gonna try and explain. Lets say you're in Nautilus and the menurow containing the "archive, edit,view" and so forth. I just can't seem to find where to edit this. I want it to be the same image i use for highligtning panel items when clicking on it but i just can't seem to find how to. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx for the great theme Marcus


If you want to upload a picture, use a service like ompldr; simply take a screenshot, upload it, then copy the image address and then post it ;) I'd be interested in seeing your changes, maybe they might be worth integrating? cheerz


sure i can upload it. Don't have a name for it so i'll just name it blappleness since i blended slicknessblack and blapple. changes i made are more noticable in gtk2 enviorment i think.


This is by far the greatest looking theme out there :D I have made a few changes here and there and i have some problems and hoped you'd be able to help me out with. Seems as if i can't upload the pic i highlighted my issues with so i'm gonna try and explain. Lets say you're in Nautilus and the menurow containing the "archive, edit,view" and so forth. I just can't seem to find where to edit this. I want it to be the same image i use for highligtning panel items when clicking on it but i just can't seem to find how to. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx for the great theme Marcus


sry don't know it was posted twice. I solved the problems i was having.


This is by far the greatest looking theme out there :D I have made a few changes here and there and i have some problems and hoped you'd be able to help me out with. Seems as if i can't upload the pic i highlighted my issues with so i'm gonna try and explain. Lets say you're in Nautilus and the menurow containing the "archive, edit,view" and so forth. I just can't seem to find where to edit this. I want it to be the same image i use for highligtning panel items when clicking on it but i just can't seem to find how to. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx for the great theme Marcus


Is it just me, or is the Ubuntu Software Center almost unreadable with this theme enabled? The text color and background color are nearly the same shade of gray. Using 11.10...


hmmmm... Well, that maybe entirely true, i wouldn't know - i do not use Ubuntu. That being said, if that is the case - you could probably fairly easily fix it. the colors are defined in; /usr/share/themes/blapple/gtk-3.0 i believe that software center is a gtk3 app? if so, then you need to look at the colors in gtk.css && gtk-widgets.css to find out what the problematic colors are, use an app like gpick (which allows you to sample colors from your desktop). then you can search through the files where colors are defined (using the html color code, ie: #2223456). you should be able to find the colors, that way and be able to correct them. I don't have time right now to be setting up ubuntu, and doing this myself, but if you want to have a stab at it, and are able to fix the issue(s), i would upload the revised version. also, could you be more specific about how it looks, or upload a picture so i can have a look?


I'm not an expert at theme creation, but here's what I did. I ended up taking a screenshot of the Ubuntu Software Center and loaded it into Gimp. I zoomed in super close and tool two color samples - one from the text, one from the background. I searched both files for the color codes - CFCFCE and C1BCBE, but I could not find either one. I'm up for helping in any way I can, so let me know if there's anything I can do. In the meantime, here's a screenshot:


Okay, that doesn't look as broken as i had originally thought. So, it's the off-white grey text that is the problem (other than that it looks pretty good). I'm going to see if i can get the software-store to compile (on a non-ubuntu system). i don't care it if works properly, i just need to figure out which text color it is using. I'll get back to you on this, later. you could also try searching for text in gtk-widgets.css, and test them one by one there isn't a whole lot of different text colors, it may be easy to find. (i'm also almost positive, that text color is defined in gtk-widgets.css, and that you can't find the exact value because it isn't defined that way, for that particular color, it most likely some value with a decimal (float), so it's more like a percentage of color, than than a fixed color code).


I kind of thought that would be the case. When I zoomed in super far I saw a bunch of different (yet very similar) shades of the same color which made up the entire letter that I was looking at. I figured there was a similar hex code somewhere in the file that "blended" across an array of similar colors. I figured that's why the letters had a blended, easy flowing look to them as opposed to sharp night/day differences in color at the edges. Thanks for the quick response. As before, let me know if I can test anything on my 11.10 system. I love this theme so much, and the Software Center text color thing I brought up here is literally the *only* thing I wasn't a huge fan of. But I'm sure it'll get cracked! Thanks again.


zooming in and out, always produces that effect. it doesn't have anything to do with the color, itself. question: is the background color in software center determined by the theme, or is it always that grey? Also, i will get around to testing this theme with ubuntu, but not for a few more days. That being said, i believe that the text color it is using is defined in gtk.css (there are 2 'text' entries, if you search in gedit - the color it is probably sourcing is #cfcfcf ... if it's not that one, than it is probably one of the text colors in gtk-widgets.css, most likely one that says something similar to #cfcfcf, or possibly #ccc ... anyways, i'm just giving you these tips, in case you want to test it out, for yourself. All that you would need to do, is open either file (as admin/sudo) change the text color you might think it is, save the file. close software center, and then reopen it, if the color is the same as before, simply change/undo the color you changed and move onto the next potential text color. anyways, as soon as i find a bit of time (weekend?), then i will have a look at it, running Ubuntu 11.10 in vmware.


on the install when i run the ./configure --prefix=/usr command it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"


did you first download the sources using 'git', and then execute ./ from within the /gnome-system-monitor-blackgtk3 folder?!?!? HINT: creates the 'configure' script. i am going to assume, that you did not, otherwise you wouldn't have this problem. cheerz PS: i'll be updating system-monitor to 3.2 very shortly, i've just been really busy since Gnome 3.2 was released (however, 3.1.92 is pretty much the same thing)


actually i followed the directions as written and all in the terminal, if you need me to post all i did i will if that will help


nah, you obviously didn't. this isn't rocket since, it is compiling a very simple application. ...and no i do not need you to post your terminal output. you're not paying attention or doing something wrong. after using git, you should have a folder called /gnome-system-monitor-blackgtk3 have a look inside of that folder, there will be a script called - you need to be inside of this folder to execute, after the script has been run (it'll take a second to create all of the files for compilation), then you should see a file called 'configure' that was created by you should then be able to run ./configure (again from within the /gnome-system-monitor-blackgtk3 folder. if you can't figure this out yourself, don't expect me to fix it for you. This is a very simple task, that is not hard to do. I can tell you right now, you are doing something wrong, because as i write this message, i just went through all of the steps and compiled gnome-system-monitor without a single problem, and it took less than a minute to do. try again, and pay attention to what you are doing, if you half to, have nautilus open and make sure you are in the right folder, and that the files are created as you execute the scripts. lots of people have installed this version, without a problem.


did you first download the sources using 'git', and then execute ./ from within the /gnome-system-monitor-blackgtk3 folder?!?!? HINT: creates the 'configure' script. i am going to assume, that you did not, otherwise you wouldn't have this problem. cheerz PS: i'll be updating system-monitor to 3.2 very shortly, i've just been really busy since Gnome 3.2 was released (however, 3.1.92 is pretty much the same thing)


on the install when i run the ./configure --prefix=/usr command it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"


Hi, great theme. I guess the directory that you mean is where I download Blapple.tar.gz but there's no inside.


you guessed wrong. I explain that you must have 'git' installed, git is used to download the source code. So after you run; git clone git:// can run ./ from within the downloaded folder.


I like your dark themes!


Thanks :) I was using my other theme Marples-black, for the longest time - but now i am using Blapple, as it looks wicked with all of my multimedia applications. I'm glad you are liking my themes cheerz


Thank you. I would like some version with scrollbars and selection items in a blue tone to make some contrast, but very good, I like. Greetings!


if that is what you want to do, just open the gtk-widgets.css .(for gtk3).. look under 'scrollbar', copy the 'prelight' color (blue) and put it under normal/default color (i forget what it is called off hand). selected color is somewhere in there too. for gtk2, the scrollbar is a pixmap. so all you'd have to do is replace the normal scrollbar pixmap with the prelight (blue) one. it's really simple to do.

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