Gnome Shell Old Steampunk

GTK3/4 Themes

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This is my first attempt at aaa gnome 3 shell theme.
Hopefully I will get a gtk/metacity theme to match it soon and maybe a dock theme and a icon theme to go with it although it takes a long time to make an ico package so I'll see how that goes.
I tested with gnome 3.0 on lmde with a gnome 3 shell.

The wallpaper in the preview can be downloaded at the link provided also.

Last changelog:

changelog July 18 2011:
I made changes in the shell, added a bar across that links up chains to hold up the dash panel (well the illusion anyhow), added the gtk and metacity files, plus some extras that I made and the cbowman57 made.

Moved this over to gtk3 instead since its complete now.
Thanks to rvc for pointing this out

Ratings & Comments



9 +


I like the theme, and I would use it in the Gnome-Shell, but... if I use it (GTK and Shell) the text in the system settings becomes impossible to read properly.


the text should be the same unless your talking about some parts in the gtk like buttons and such, I still have to fix that error and go through it all to make sure the colors are better so they appear more clearly, soon as I finish the new gtk I'm making for my heavy metal theme I'll go back over the gtk and fix all those spots where the text blends to much to see plus I have to fix a couple of more spots in the shell as well and make it better. I'll post a changelog and let everyone know when its done.


awesome work! Thanks for sharing ,i use for my fedora 15 ...its ok :D


Glad you like it. I have a new one coming out soon called Heavy Metal you can check out the preview here


yeppa!!! > Heavy Metal < dark style or metal style?


Both mixed together, I am just about finished the shell, just trying to find a way to get the dash icon smaller without making the overview-icon smaller at the same time. A few more pieces of artwork and coding and tweaking and it should be done, I'll be adding a metacity and gtk with it later on.


Hello, great theme you creat. can you explain how did you install gnome 3 on lmde please because i want to install it but i don´t know how.


Thanks for the compliment How to do it: First install lmde, do all the updates. Get the new rc here after the updates add these to the repo list in synaptics deb unstable main contrib non-free deb-src unstable main contrib non-free deb experimental main contrib non-free do a sudo apt-get clean, then a sudo apt-get update. DO NOT UPGRADE then add this in the terminal sudo apt-get install -t experimental gnome-session gnome-themes-standard gnome-control-center gnome-keyring gnome-media libdconf0 dconf-tools gsettings-desktop-schemas after that go into synaptics add all the gtk3 and gnome3 stuff, also the tweak tool and gnome-common. press apply for all the stuff you click for install, after it installs, go into the the repos, unclick the three repos you added deb unstable main contrib non-free deb-src unstable main contrib non-free deb experimental main contrib non-free you only need them to get the shell stuff and gtk3 stuff, if you upgrade with them in it, it will mess up everything. Well for me it did. sudo apt-get clean and sudo apt-get update after that to put the synaptics back to the original repos only, reboot and your done, most use the xfce version for this, I used lmde instead and it worked fine. Go here to find out more about how to it more and better and to find fixes etc, Hope this helps you out. Read through this forum before attempting it. Sam


I must add to the others. It is a work of art! It is obvious that you put on a lot of care and it makes me happy. For many people it may already be too dressed. From my perspective, if the user's taste, he should choose such a theme. So let's summarize: The perfect and precise. Much praise!


Thanks glad you like it, I had fun doing this one

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