Description: Both GTK2 / GTK3 based theme, please see homepage for additional details, iconsets, cursors, plymouth etc.
I am sure I am going to lose a few ppl here, but I am going to attempt to break things down.
There are known issues with the progress bar when attempting to use a GTK3 / 2 theme in a GTK2 based environment. Screenshots provided are based on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.3 LTS (UE 2.6.3) - which are both a GTK2 based environments, however works perfectly in Ubuntu Natty 11.04 as well as currently unreleased Ultimate Edition 3.0 w/o issue.
The themes have been run through the grips of "The widget factory" and comeback flawless, the debs have been Debianized with the repomaster and yield the exact same results. Programmatically perfect. Does not mean they appeal to you, just flawless in design. Or are they?
The theme as seen in screenie 1 is GTK2/3 the other 2 provided themes are GTK2.
Ratings & Comments
excuse my English, I know that is terrible I had a problem and did not install as it should and I can not uninstall to reinstall
I love this stuff and deb packages to boot, cant get any easier to install than that. Absolutly great work. Im a fan
Download link for Ultimate Edition 3.0 theme pack is broken.
One of the best theme set I've seen until now... I love expecially the window and the icon theme! Great work!!
Thanks for the kind comments
A couple of the metacity themes shown in the appearance preferences screenshot look rather tasty.