Office-Style back to 2007 XFCE and MATE
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Ratings & Comments
9 I was thinking of making a rating system for themes, based on Adwaita as a base reference. So basically things would be rated on how much better they are than Adwaita. Then I ran into a problem that every rating ended up being such a colossal number, incomprehensibly large, and impossible to express, because Adwaita is infinitely fucking shit. Anyway, here is the rating of this theme by that scale: inf Now if we use a normal rating like x/10: 9.999999999999998
10 I think one thing this theme lacks is that on Cinnamon panel, when you point at buttons, there should be some indication, which one you're pointing at. Also it would be nice to have a visible button for the start menu, but I guess I can do this myself. Seeing how few skeuomorphic themes there are though, I'll still rate it as 10. Also, here's a perfect icon pack for this theme:
You don't have the cinnamon theme anymore? I didn't use it before because the GTK didn't work, but now I thought I'd redownload it to mix with this one, and I can't find it anymore.
I did remove it because after 6 years it is partially broken. I do my best today to provide it again soon. Thx very much for your reply.
Added now cinnamon theme. The old one was broken the new one should work on newer cinnamon. Tested 20.04 and 20.10. Icewm is tested on antix. Mate i did test on 18.04, 20.04 and 20.10. There may be improvements in future but the most wirk is done
Wow, that was quick response! Thanks for doing this. Cinnamon has very few consistent skeuomorphic themes across all elements (gtk, metacity, etc.). I hate flat design. So, thanks for doing something non-flat!
9 9 excellent
Hi again, Very interesting concept.