well im just using opengl cairodock and im using the neon theme thats in there by default..the icons your creating go very well with that cairo dock theme, i also have awesome screen savers, wallpapers and gtk that have a blend of beautiful colors that would go well with ur icons...the only thing is that i dont have neon icons like the ones your creating and they go perfect..ill show you some when i have time =D. Time is very hard to come by, i know. but ill get some thru for you in a while
yeah man finish up its a great theme man. i got a theme worked up already. im only wishing you would finish up the rest of the icons so i could have these beautiful theme i got going on man. keep going man
Well.. thanks for the comment... however I stop this project until I have time for continue developing this... you know, work, university, family etc make your free time a little complicated....
I'll try finishing it but I think it would be in a "long " time... Could you show me that theme that you are creating???
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till we wit for u to finish your icons theme, is somewhere anything similar?
Is what i'm looking for, can you do the same work with the smileys of emesene?
well im just using opengl cairodock and im using the neon theme thats in there by default..the icons your creating go very well with that cairo dock theme, i also have awesome screen savers, wallpapers and gtk that have a blend of beautiful colors that would go well with ur icons...the only thing is that i dont have neon icons like the ones your creating and they go perfect..ill show you some when i have time =D. Time is very hard to come by, i know. but ill get some thru for you in a while
yeah man finish up its a great theme man. i got a theme worked up already. im only wishing you would finish up the rest of the icons so i could have these beautiful theme i got going on man. keep going man
Hi! Well.. thanks for the comment... however I stop this project until I have time for continue developing this... you know, work, university, family etc make your free time a little complicated.... I'll try finishing it but I think it would be in a "long " time... Could you show me that theme that you are creating???
Novel indeed. Keep up the work!
This looks to be an interesting and novel concept i can't wait to see the completed theme =)