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Hi there, Does it work flawlessly on Cinnamon 2.8.x or not? I hope you haven't abandoned it, 'cause this is great work. Why don't you host it on GitHub? Looking forward to hear from you. Cheers
To full trash icon is displayed correctly, you need to replace the icon of trash from Faenza to your icon theme in all folders.
I respect your work. But I see that you have not fixed the one unfortunate mistake. You have different icons for full and empty the trash. Look at these screenshots. On screenshots visible and not covered by other icons of your theme. This mate-panel-force-quit or gnome-panel-force-quit programs and the start button in the terminal mate-panel-launcher. One icon is easy to do, and mate-panel-launcher reference may be made to the gnome-panel-launcher. You can still make an icon for Nemo, but I do not insist on his own opinion. After all the icons still can be done.
- New tab icon is missing in firefox on Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon. Compare these two screenshots to see what I'm talking about: 1- 2- You haven't fixes that yet bro!!!!!!
In ubuntu 12.04 trash is displayed with an error. Your trash icons completely different type. The first flat square, while the second seems from Faence. You did it on purpose? Empty trash icon of places. Full trash icon from status 16 - 48 - 96 from Faence. Full trash of another in status scalable nobody sees. Verify this. Noobslab checked your theme?
I want to see preview the thumbnailer the text file
New tab icon is missing in firefox on Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon. Compare these two screenshots to see what I'm talking about: 1- 2-
noobslab respository does not work
Soon we will be producing folders in gray, white, black , orange, aqua , yellow, shades of green, purple and pink tones for girls :D . Please give us some time .
I'm not very fond of square icons and blue folder icons, but I must admit that this is a good job. Do you plan to make different folder colors?
Hi, you did a huge amount of work.I do see that. Thx for doing this beautiful artwork! But can you make a more contrast yellow-orange folder buttons??. That is only a small design matter and not a bug. However: I strongly suggest you to check the functionality of imagemagicks adaptive reize option in the included mogrify tool and the image2d library posted on google as imageresize.exe from hawkynt. Works well under wine too and schould be handable. Or try to use the rotsprite algorithm. Why? Blurry icons on smaller sizes and i doubt that any svg scaling or simplyfing will help here. You gain the best result when you do scale at 3x and then downsize with bilinar or an linear resizing filer. bicubic may be to blurry in this case. That takes about 45 minutes for an folder if you do know how to do it, but it can remove the unwanted to strong blur effects well. A bit of antialising isn`t bad either. Lot of words written here , but i hope i could help you a bit. Keep up your greet artwork do give you a positive rasting, cause it was already very much work to do it. regards bluedxca93
Thanks for your comments . have in mind your recommendations for improving this work and go climb updates shortly. I want to mention that the file system is based on Faenza which is one of the best tracks there today. Thanks again for the recommendations , we guarantee that we will consider
To resize images using mogrify rsize there any other tool you can recommend?
Hi have you tried phatch? with regards COLOH
adaptive resize from mogrify other method: the good resizefilter collection from hawkynt ( requires wine + winetricks net framework or mono)=) is fast on win7 and not too slow on wine. has gui + cmd line. imagemagik has also à preblurring option, that produces sharp downscaled output. sounds funny but works. if you have more questions about it send me a pm. regards bluedxca93