Description: This is my version of garGANTuan ( I have used icons from: Etiquette Dropline Etiquette
Before installing edit etiquan.xml line 60 and change GDM Theme to whatever you like.
Note: If the first download does not work try the other mirror.
Sorry I thought it was GPL'ed. Meaning I can obtain the source and freely edit and redistribute it...
Sorry to be a troll but people should revise the license they wish to distribute their work under and know what rights they have as the author.
I hope people relise this before they submit work. I wish that the webmaster would point this out to people also.
Well I was not too keen on the icons you used so I ended up changing the look. And the GPL says I need to publish changes.
Its nice work otherwise I would not have used it or any one else.
Ratings & Comments
Next time ask before you edit my wallpaper, it's the nice thing to do. I won't say no :) Now you have my blessings. :)
Sorry I thought it was GPL'ed. Meaning I can obtain the source and freely edit and redistribute it... Sorry to be a troll but people should revise the license they wish to distribute their work under and know what rights they have as the author. I hope people relise this before they submit work. I wish that the webmaster would point this out to people also.
meh, don't worry. no one has ever edited my work before. weird reaction and all. have fun.
Well I was not too keen on the icons you used so I ended up changing the look. And the GPL says I need to publish changes. Its nice work otherwise I would not have used it or any one else.
this looks really nice. unfortunately i can't download it cause youve used up all your bandwidth.
Sorry about that I decided to upload it to Geocities (yahoo) and I guess they don't like it..?
...:::nice, nice, nice:::...