Libre Office Splash
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
"intro.bmp" and "about.bmp" converted to 24-bit RGB BMP.
redone : intro.png and about.png
novos icones no splash.
partes refeitas.
Ratings & Comments
Have you thought about doing something with the images in the folder <path-to-libreoffice>/program/shell? Greetings!
Really good job! Voted good!
For even better effect, go to /etc/libreoffice/sofficerc and change the value of ProgressSize to 221,10. This should make the progress bar fit horizontally almost in the middle of the splash. Thanks. ;)
thanks ;)
Nice artwork brother...
This is very nice, man. Great work! =D And using the Faenza icons makes a awesome integration with the desktop if someone (like me) is using them. =D ----- Some things I would like to recommend you - hope you don't take it bad: 1) I know you liberated the source files, but once this is aimed to LibreOffice, IMHO you should liberate the finals as png files, since LibreOffice is using the intro and the about files in that format (at least, in version RC4, which is the one I'm using). 2) The files are intended to put on /usr/lib/libreoffice/program (backup first). It would be nice if it was on the description, so everyone knows where to paste them. 3) Edit (but first, backup) the /etc/libreoffice/sofficerc file and adjust to something like this: Quote:[Bootstrap]
It will make a really nice and smooth boot.
These are great! How exactly would I go about replacing the existing images with these?
Hi Dear, nice splash-theme for the new Alternative of OpenOffice. Looks really like the one of OpenOffice. I have this new Office-Suit installed besides the existing Open- Office-Suit by Oracle. If this Application OpenOffice should one day really become commercial, then I would be ready to switch. But for the moment, I keep both Office-Suits besides each other. And also the look and feel is no real difference. OK, to install it, it is a bit work to install all these .deb-Packages inside this .tar.gz-archive, which can be downloaded from the LibreOffice-Foundation. And there are also 64bit-Packages. I took it, and it runs fine on my machine. What is missing to me, are some nice Icons for LibreOffice. Because these are still missing in this new Application. I would love some nice Icons for the Faenza-Icon-theme as well as for the Elementary-Icon-theme. Perhaps someone has some nice Ideas?? Greetings Karmicbastler
Libreoffice is the same that openoffice but with different name, the code is the same, developers are the same, but the future have only one name: libreoffice
really! the image was saved as 32-bit RGB BMP. soon make available for 24-bit RGB BMP. Thank you for the information.