Ubuntu 3D soft
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Ratings & Comments
Regarding this art work, to me this one is great!!!...This is no porn, a beaty showing her back, is not obscene. Anyway...this is just my point of view... Excellent artwork!!!... Can't say more... ;)
This isn't porn. I can make you some splash screens of TRUE porn. C'mon we were all born naked. There's nothing wrong with the human body. I'm just thankful that someone hasn't made a naked Rosie O' Donnell splash screen. THEN I would be offended!
Come on - there are hundreds of other things you can do without having to resort to porn. Please, for the common respect of Linux as a whole, and certainely Ubuntu specifically, which is the best distro out there, can we get rid of the pornography. That is the kind of thing that gets us a bad name. You are a talented designer - don't waste that talent. Rant finished
Nice... well i think the Ubuntu designers here could also team up with some erotic yet pornographic web sites develop their background image and why not more... I don t like blond girls sorry
Nice... well i think the Ubuntu designers here could also team up with some erotic yet pornographic web sites develop their background image and why not more... I don t like blond girls sorry