Windows 10 bootsplash

Plymouth Themes

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- I wanted to help Windows 10 transformation pack project, so I asked my genius friend OobuntusGooftus to create me a bootsplash and so he did. Enjoy guys!!!

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todos los comentarios negativos son de fanboys que dejan en pena ajena al verdadero usuario, este tipo de trabajos merecen un gran aplauso, porque nadie en windows puede cambiar hasta este nivel y tan facil sin alterar funcionalidad a su SO como se puede y se demuestra en linux. Ya dejen de ser "puristas?" mejor actualizen su manera de pensar y bueno cada quien con su filosofia.


Just as a note, the included install script only works properly on Debian and derivatives.


9 good job bro


To those Linux purists that hated this, just don't install it.. As for me, I like as a prank. It makes the prank of dual booting someone's system complete..


10 Thanks It Working :)


The Logo are funny


10 Thanks,its work


9 Hello, I'm leaving a corrected version of the splash screen which at least works with the actual version of Linux (Mint 19.3). https: // / file / fgDMAuL4OFwp / win10-tar-gz To all, who do not understand it yet - yes, Linux is a great OS, which has a lot of useful functions and properties itself. Because it is free, it can afford a lot of templates and animations which it already has. The reasons why I'm putting this "s****" on Linux, as migue says are several. Firstly - yes, at work for coverage it's a brilliant idea. I wish I could use it that way, however it's not (easily) possible for me. Secondly, at my case, even though Linux is a great os, which has come long way, and has almost all what shall basic user friendly desktop os offer, it is still for a few basic users a swearword. Someone may have told them how difficult it was in LX to install basic functions and all stuff we long time users remember. Thank God, these times are gone and Linux is full capable of competing MS (imho at some levels only). But still, these users are about to get mad, when they hear the word 'Linux', however the only things that they care about are familiar colors, menus and functionality. All what Linux can offer nowadays, even in the coat of Windows. I don't care about how things look inside or outside, what is really great for me in Linux is that I don't have to guard my privacy. I don't need to block some basic functions (as I need in windows) to stop MS stealing my data (even if they are forcing my approval for that). I like the os which is obeying the orders of mine (auto updates) and not forcing me to cooperate with its own will. Btw, the reason why I needed to start all of this is, that one of my relative's older PC with Win 10 commited suicide, forcing on itself all the "necessary" updates which the machine and the system itself could not bear anymore. Another great thing in Linux is, that its security policy is much more durable to users 'not-knowhing-what-they-do', installing every possible toolbar, browser or trial anti-malware sw, all what windows apps or environment during installation can offer. After all, although I'm very lucky and grateful that I found this and got it to work, this version of the bootsplash still looks outdated a little and when it comes to performance, you can see visible differences in comparison with the original. If anyone is able to make a version for 1080p screens or add the GRUB theme, it would be most welcome. The idea is not dead. Thank you and have a nice Linux day!


9 +Here are so much negative comments about this boot animation, that I decided to register especially for tell you my vision about the way of why this can be used. In my company we use Windows on computers at work. But I would prefer to use linux. So I installed linux Mint and changed theme to make it looks like Windows 10. To avoid unnecessary questions of my boss when he come to me for something and sees my desktop or process of booting.


9 Nice


Wow, look at the amount of hatred from Linux users on the dominant OS. Why are they so mad? because Windows has like 90% market share and their beloved OS has like 2%, or every new computers come with Windows pre-installed, or all industrial-standard softwares are available on Windows but not on their Linux (sometimes they use Wine to run Windows program on Linux).....they're just mad...I thought Linux users are some kind of educated developers or programmers...I was wrong.


3 ewww


3 It's no sense to put this shit on Linux!


what is this license ?


Hi, we really need this bootsplash to work with Linux mint 18 to finish the transformation pack. Please make an update for it, also it would be nice to have a matching grub theme for it to be absolutely perfect. Thank you.




I know right. So many KDE/Linux/GNU artistic logos and people still sucking Microsoft propaganda. I wish we could purge this.


It's doesn't look good on wide-screens such as 1366x768...


I'll have a look on 1080p.


on all my linux setups plymouth causes trouble and why enable bootsplash , when your pc boots without 10 sec faster? is there a grub theme or a hack to display win 10 logo as Penguins replacement for having a knoppix like bootscreen.. and why imitating boot screens? the win 10 one is very flat. But its still a great artwork for some people im sure.


... the gtk theme from the project you mentioned is very good. maybe you can check if plymouth theme uses copyrighted material.


Hi, I agree that it might slow down boot up. I also agree with the copyright issue but this is just for fun and has an experimental and educational purpose. There's a paragraph (might not recall right) that says that for the above mentioned purposes it is allowed. Of course that I'm against copyright infringement but hey, this is just for fun, right? For now should stay as is.


Hi, It was the missing piece. Great work. Thanks. PS: hahaha


Awesome! Thanks a lot! Would you mind if I put a link in my website? Now I'll have an almost completely Win10 PC xD


yes go ahead bro it's all urs but don't forget to credit your poor friend here hahahaha

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Plymouth is a bootsplash for Linux supporting animations using Direct Rendering Manager and KMS driver. It gets packed into the initrd. Besides eye-candy, Plymouth also handles user interaction during boot. Wikipedia

Installation instructions:

  1. copy YOURTHEME folder to usr/share/plymouth/themes/YOURTHEME

  2. run in terminal:

sudo plymouth-set-default-theme YOURTHEME -R