To describe it "its...dark,evil,different,special,unique and it also glows". To describe my theme its not like any others. I didnt want to copy any other theme style! I am a creator and my lust for security,hacking and creating new ideas allowed me to come up with this theme called 1337-x369513929661000482. It has glowing neon greens and blues with dark greys and blacks, with a security feel to it,and a sense of evil to it with the skulls and alien faces but kind of futuristic with its hues and glows... so all in all if I liked skulls,alien faces,computer security,neon themes,linux,or just another theme thats special...then this is for you

Everyone enjoy i also left some ascii art inside the readme.txt file to be different

Ratings & Comments
This is f**kin brilliant Brian. Rated good mate. Wicked website you got there. Love your issue code.
Thank you so much for your comment -SkinWalker-!! Its people like you that will make a person like me "thrive" with this community and go beyond all limits. I am new to giving things away but I thought.... "Linux" opened my eyez so it was time to "give-back" to the Open-Source-Community instead of just using others codes,themes,styles,or programs...etc,etc, again I am a kreator of much and a giver of few,but what I give revealz my true please 3nJoY......1337-x369513929661000482
I am just here to support mate. Besides, this theme made me install xmms on my openbsd boxes after a very long time. Goes perfectly well with some colorful .Xdefaults for those long coding hours. i gather you are a terminal junkie as well, so I have already bookmarked your website.