Description: A long time ago I was a user of Winamp and I have had a handfull of themes which I loved that I still kept. These old themes which I believe no longer work with Winamp still live but sadly the developers moved on and these older and more 'eligant' themes in my opion sit unused.
Well I learned how to add them to Audacious under the classic appearance and I found my old favourite theme called Chemical Reaction by TheMann. So for about 2 years I have had these altered version of these themes. I just altered and created the final colour Light-Blue to match the other themes I developed for Ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04.
I have altered the text file for the colours of the 'sound mixer' ?? to a grey and I have colourised the original theme Chemical Reaction by TheMann to the following... Green (modified) Red Light Blue Royal Blue Orange Grey Purple Pink Yellow
My message to the developer TheMann is please do not have me take this down as my work is a gesture of thanks for the theme you gave me / us all those years ago. Let others enjoy your theme and the subsequent versions which can be developed and still used today with Audacious in Linux. Your theme is not dead and it lives on my system and hopefully soon many others!
Here is a link I found for the original theme and I hope 'Iam TheMann' finds this so he knows his work did not die with Windows Vista + and it is still one of my absolute favourite Winamp / Audacious themes that I use every day and or night when I listen to my music!
Thank you 'Iam TheMann'
The wallpapers in the images can be located at... and they are worth every cent but there is also a free galary.
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