Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
unpack and move the folders to ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/
=== check README for a description of all scripts ===
Comments, Suggestions and Contributions Welcome!
"Motiv 8"
- IceWM support
- Fluxbox support
"No More @*#%$*? Rock'N'Roll"
- add image option "spanned"
- small readability improvement
- don't temporarly save list of files
- small bugfix (if destination can't be mkdir'ed try gksu)
- small bugfix (didn't display info at end)
- only display message box on errors
- don't temporarly save list of files
WhichPKG (all versions):
- don't temporarly save list of files
- don't temporarly save list of files
- removed a bit of unused code
HideFile (new):
- simple script to hide a file
- don't temporarly save list of files
- bugfix (use _CURRENT_URI not _SELECTED_URI)
- don't temporarly save list of files
- don't temporarly save list of files
- small bugfix (allow destination with spaces in name)
- small fix (no need to flatten _SELECTED_URIS)
Ratings & Comments
Install a Theme to: ~/.icewm/themes /usr/share/icewm/themes
Sorry, I've read your comments to late, but I'll add them to 3.7.1 tommorow.
There is a problem with "rootermincurdir" It opens in root, but not the current directory.
Install a Theme to: ~/.fluxbox/styles /usr/share/fluxbox/styles
I think the last string should be gedit "$files"
$files was totally unnecessary (or however this word is correctly written).
It would be nice to have an "Install theme" option for installing an Emerald window decorator theme. The directory would be ~/.emerald/themes/
Off the top of my head in the "I wish I had a script that could..." Catagory: Cairo Clock Cairo Dock emerald Pidgin gdm Usplash grub gnome system sounds. Oh and the one thing I really wish I could do is install Mozilla extensions system wide :) sad its the one thing I miss in windows. My computer is peppered with you excellent work keep it up. Cheers!
I see what I can do.
It is a great tool and I want to thank you for your work; I couldn't do without those scripts anymore :-)
if I'm not mistaken mkmd5 does not work on directories!
Correct. There's no option for md5sum for recursive checksum creation.
I'm far from being an expert but there is a script http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Make+MD5+sums?content=69749 which works on directories; the author even states that it is derived from the NScript file.
It creates the md5sum file per file as far as I can see.
You could create a md5-file of a directory by using "md5deep". There you have the possibility to create a md5-file recursively. It would also be nice when Mkmd5 would create 1 file with the several hashs inside when selecting more then in file for Mkmd5 and not 1 md5-file per selected file. But I really like your scripts. Keep the good work up.
You might want to mention that you must be one of the users that can use sudo for your root scripts to work. For this reason the root scripts are useless on a default fedora system. Though all the others work very well.
the scripts don't use sudo. they use the graphical gksu and gnomesu tools, which use su or sudo, depending on the configuration.
Yeah, I actually figured that out trying to write my own. Unfortunately Fedora 8 does not have either gnomesu or gksu. Running a locate on both commands gave me nothing. I'm trying to track down how fedora creates the root login dialog box now. I've been looking through the apps that use a root login dialog box. Fedora might be using python scripts for each individual item. If so, I'll just create a script that launches a terminal, and runs the nautilus stuff there. That way I can use the terminal for password input.
After much banging of head into wall, I've figured out how to make this work in a Fedora system. The following lines will accomplish the same thing for Fedora as the RootTermInCurdir script. kdesu -c "nautilus $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI" xterm -e su -c "nautilus $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI" The first has the problem of requiring kdebase to be installed. The second works, but is graphically unpleasant and the dialog box is uninformative. I thought you might want to add the kdesu or the xterm -e options to your script as fallbacks. Yes, I'm aware of the irony of using a kde specific app in a nautilus script.
I belive Fedora uses the ConsoleHelper. eg. /usr/bin/system-config-printer is a link to /usr/sbin/system-config-printer and that caused that dialog box to appear ... but I'm not sure.
It does, it just isn't setup to give anybody a root shell. The above methods are provided for transportability.
im struggling to figure out what the md5 scripts do. i though one of them would let me rclick a file and have it calculate the md5sum so i can compare it with the md5sums on a downlaod page for example (like distros) but it seems not to work like that?
The Mkmd5 script creates md5sums, the Chkmd5 script checks, them. You have to click on the md5sum file to check it, not the original one ... and it must have the ".md5" suffix.
i like the scripts, but what is your really cool natilus background??