=== Intro: ===
In Summery, Turbo-Secure is a series of Nautilus Scripts that allow you to safely and securely encrypt and secure your data. Its primary focus is on EASE-OF-USE and SPEED! It comes in 2 Editions, GPG Edition and SSL Edition. Just select which one you want to use when you run the installer, you can install both if you want (just install it again using the other option)

=== What is Encryption? ===
Encryption is the process of scrambling up data using a password (Encryption) so no one can use it until they de-scramble it (Decryption) using the same password.
=== Why I Made This Project: ===
Gnome currently has a GUI program called "sea-horse" that does this exact thing, but from experience I think its way to complicated for new users and a huge hassle just to preform simple secure encryption. I also tried "EncryptDecrypt Reloaded" by rmanola but could not get it to work, then I tried "Encrypt/Decrypt Files" by Guci, but it lacked a lot of functionality. Looks like ill have to make my own!
=== Depends On: ===
For the program to function correctly, you need Gnupg Utilities installed (They are by default on every Distribution iv tested), you also need a version of Zenity (Also installed by default). Also Nautilus is required.
=== How to Install: ===
Just download the .sh script then run it. It will guide you though the simple and quick installer that will install the nautilus script. Very easy and very simple. You can then access it from the right click "Scripts" context menu.
=== Features: ===
- No need to worry about Keys
- Option to store the password in the script for ease of use
- Many encryption Types and strengths
- Compression options
- Armor options
- Easy Installer
=== Translations: ===
The project is open to translations. Please send me a Private Message with your personal e-mail and and language and I will mail you more information.
=== Bugs and Feedback: ===
I have tested this program the best I could and so far I have found it reliable. But Encryption can be tricky business, if you forget or loose your password, its all over (basically). Make sure to keep backups. I'm not liable if anything goes wrong. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions or anything else you want to say, feel free to comment.
=== Other Links: ===
Encrypt/Decrypt Files: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Encrypt%2BDecrypt+Files?content=74653
EncryptDecrypt Reloaded: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/EncryptDecrypt+Reloaded?content=105874
Win2-7 Pack: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Win2-7+Pack?content=113264
Hash Checker: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=129309
Envied Ubuntu Club: http://gnome-look.org/groups/?id=404
=== Donate: ===
I spent a lot of time creating this project and the benefits are quite huge, especially for businesses. If you find the script useful, please consider donating a few dollars. It would be greatly appreciated!
Ratings & Comments
Hi! the Download file Link to Megaupload, and the Link is "kidnaped"
Thankfully I never throw anything out lol. I uploaded it to Hotfile.
Yes, Hotfile says: "This file is either removed due to copyright claim or is deleted by the uploader." is there another link?
I am fairly new to Linux and found this script after realizing seahorse-plugins for some reason isn't available in Ubuntu 11.10 - so I wanted another simple way of encrypting files. This script is great. Guides you through using a wizard, no 3rd party repositories to add, no pre-requisities that aren't already included in Ubuntu. Love it. Thanks!
Thanks for this script. I've already a gpg key in seahorse, and I was wondering if there is a way to make the script use it and so to avoid requesting the password for encryption?
Well. The Turbo-Secure project was geared for symmetric encryption...which means encryption based off a password and not a key. Maybe down the road I could develop Turbo-Secure (Asymmetric Edition) which would generate a key or allow you to import a key but Im currently caught up in to Win2-7 v6.5 development so it may be a while.
Thanks for your answer. Finally I tried Encrypt-Decrypt reloaded and it suits my need. I changed it a bit so that it does not ask anything for the encryption and give some feedback (zenity progress) when wiping large files which could take some time. I'll appreciate to test your next version.
Well thanks for checking it out. I dont think there will be a updated version of this cause i cant think of any more things to do...but i may make a key version down the road as a seperate project.
I've tried it a few times, but unfortunately, every time I try to extract the two files in the 'Turbo-Secure.tar.gz', the 'Turbe-Secure-Text-Installer.sh' says the file is broken. Any help would be most appreciated.
Sry...my bad =>.<= I fixed it. Try re-downloading it and leave feedback :) If you like it don't forget to vote and become a fan!
Oh no problem. Thanks.
Well looks like they took the link down again? I would really like to know why they keep doing this? Well links reposted. I was surprised I still had the installers on my HD lol.
Im sorry guys, for some reason Hotfile removed my files because of copyright issues? AFAIK I designed this program myself using GPL tools so I have NO idea how it could break copyrights?
Lovely work. For the paranoid with a desire for some security, such as myself, this is a cool tool, as well as easy to use. Thanks for the hard work.
Well the BIG feature in 1.4 is a password hashing feature. Basically when you install the pack, it asks you after you select your password storage method if you want to hash it or not. If you say "Yes", what it does is it takes your password (usually 4-7 characters) and boosts it up to 100+ characters! And it uses "that" larger password to encrypt the data. Then when you go to decrypt it, it takes your password, boosts it and then tries to decrypt and if its the same password, it works. :) Another Advantage to this is if you tell the script to remember your password, and you decide to Hash it, It hashes it and stores the hash in the script so if you open the script, or someone else does, they "will" see the password that does the decrypting...but they wont know what your password was that generated the hash, so you can use your standard password and not worry about anyone knowing what it is! You can even try it yourself on a terminal: echo "Hi" | sha512sum Who knows whats coming out next!
Well folks, I got version 1.3 up! Both the SSL and GPG versions are bundled up together in one installer. Just select what Standard you want to use. You can even install the script twice using GPG then SSL. (The context menu will say what is what). Also the other big features, is usually you have to right click and run the script on a file. Now you can run the script on any empty area and it will bring up a browser window and let you encrypt a file by browsing to it. Pretty nifty. Also the error messages are slightly improved. :) I also put a copy of the script up for paid download, its the "same version" but the $2.00 USD would count as a donation which would be really helpful.
And I thought I was too often in updates, lol! Nice job, kinda reminds me on mine script with this browse stuff and empty space... ;) :) :P Cheers, m8!
Where do you think i got the idea? :p hehe. Im just working on this project to give Jesus some breathing room on Win2-7. Im making more work for him to do that he has to catch up on lol. Its a distraction to keep myself busy lol. And its a pretty cool script and very handy!
It sure is! ;) Thanx!
Well I finally got my first project up! :) Right now theres only 1 script (GPG Edition) But im working on a SSL Edition which should be up soon once I finish my school work to finish it. ;)