The Ultimate Nautilus/Nemo Scripts Pack
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The Ultimate Nautilus and Nemo Scripts Pack
Creator: Inameiname
Version: 1.1
Last modified: 19 March 2014
License: GPLv3+
This is The Ultimate Nautilus and Nemo Scripts Pack. I say this because these are scripts I have collected/tweaked/created/updated for several years. I figure it was time to finally share. Many I have found through numerous websites, while several I have written myself. Several have been taken from the various packages on the "Gnome-Look" (or its alternates) website.
Of the many I have taken from other sources, I have tweaked some for my own purposes, as well as directed some of its folders to the scripts' folders themselves. As such, so long as you have all the dependents installed, they should work as is.
To use: it is as easy as copying and pasting the scripts into your Nemo / Nautilus folders. Having used in both Nautilus and Nemo, I have included versions that should work for whichever you may use.
'/home/$USER/.gnome2/nemo-scripts' folder
'/home/$USER/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts' folder
There are approximately 1,000 scripts in this pack.
FYI, in case the generic "$USER" does not work for you, (I've not tested all the scripts with it), you can change it recursively to your $YOUR_USERNAME by using the following command:
find . -type f -exec sed -i s/'home/$USER'/'home/$YOUR_USERNAME'/g {} + Last changelog:
Creator: Inameiname
Version: 1.1
Last modified: 19 March 2014
License: GPLv3+
This is The Ultimate Nautilus and Nemo Scripts Pack. I say this because these are scripts I have collected/tweaked/created/updated for several years. I figure it was time to finally share. Many I have found through numerous websites, while several I have written myself. Several have been taken from the various packages on the "Gnome-Look" (or its alternates) website.
Of the many I have taken from other sources, I have tweaked some for my own purposes, as well as directed some of its folders to the scripts' folders themselves. As such, so long as you have all the dependents installed, they should work as is.
To use: it is as easy as copying and pasting the scripts into your Nemo / Nautilus folders. Having used in both Nautilus and Nemo, I have included versions that should work for whichever you may use.
'/home/$USER/.gnome2/nemo-scripts' folder
'/home/$USER/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts' folder
There are approximately 1,000 scripts in this pack.
FYI, in case the generic "$USER" does not work for you, (I've not tested all the scripts with it), you can change it recursively to your $YOUR_USERNAME by using the following command:
find . -type f -exec sed -i s/'home/$USER'/'home/$YOUR_USERNAME'/g {} +
1.0: Initial Release
1.1: Updated Avconvert.sh and Winetricks.sh, among others, added ExtractX.sh, YouTube-Downloader.sh and a few others, and added a few more of my own scripts, including a couple using Peerflix for easy torrent link streaming.
Ratings & Comments
Thank you but i don't know how to use them ??/ and what why specefically to put these scripts in given paths say for nemo ??? i mean to use them i have to go to their path and run them or enter full path to them to make them work ,,, so why specefically to put them on this path ???
9 +
9 +Very good scripts pack, translated in many languages. Author keeps the links in order.
Thank you for updating links. I found your magnificent pack it in the German Ubuntu forum again (it was not irremediably lost). I saved another important pack (70 script for Ubuntu) in the Italian Ubuntu forum in the far 2012 but if authors a are alive and update their links this is a way better. Sorry for the negative comment and thank you for your job.
No worries. When I have some time, I plan to add some more to this pack. Whether useful or not for a particular person, I figure having these scripts in one place will make it easier to find and use for everyone.
We cannot download any more because the links are broken. What a pity.
Thanks for letting me know. The first link works. I'll add it here: https://www34.zippyshare.com/v/88152886/file.html I'll add it above once I figure out how. The site has changed since I originally uploaded them.
Added links.
Please, could you refresh the links? They have all expired.
1000 in quantity - haven't had time to go through but just wanted to say a big thank you.
You're welcome. I'm a big terminal and script man, so having most commands that I use at my fingertips is always handy. Anyway, just thought others might like them too.
Thanks for putting up the alternate links. I haven't checked the 2shared.com links in over 2 weeks as I've been busy. The last time that I tried accessing them I wasn't able to get anything from them. I don't know why. I did use the alternate links and was able to download a copy of both for my personal archives. I appreciate your help.
Sure, no problem. Glad the alternate links worked.