Description: I got sick of super-nerds explaining to me, in ten terminal-laden steps, how to edit config files using vi. So, one of my friends told me to just enter sudo nautilus in the terminal. That's acceptable for me, but requires two steps in the terminal: sudo nautilus and the password. This script forces me only to use the terminal to enter my password.
After downloading it, right-click, select Properties, and go to Permissions. Then, check "Allow executing file as program." Now, to run it, double-click and select "Run in terminal."
I'm hoping someone will make a GUI for the password entry so that this doesn't have to be run in the terminal. I would but I don't know how.
I've experienced one security issue on Ubuntu 7.10 (the only system I've tested it on). I don't have to enter my password to enter the root Nautilus window except after the first time that I run the script, even if I've closed the root Nautilus window and the terminal.Last changelog:
version 1.0
I made this very simple one-line script to decrease the my terminal usage.
... The NScripts already contain the Rootilus script, which uses either gksu or gnomesu (depending on what you have installed) and will then open nautilus as root.
A better solution :
Create a Nautilus launcher ( go to the apps / system tools menu, right click on the nautilus icon will give you an option to create a launcher either on desktop or panel ). Right click on that new launcher and open the settings. In the command line put gksu infront of the rest of the command, e.g. gksu nautilus ...
Now when you click that launcher a nice window opens asking you for the password. No console needed.
Make sure gksu is installed on your system.
That worked. Thanks :). This is very helpful.
A note to others: If his instructions don't work, right-click on the desktop, select "Create Launcher..." and enter <i>gksudo nautilus</i> as the command.
Ratings & Comments
to get to ask via GUI u need to issue gksudo nautilus :)
oh n/m i should of read first.. :D
It is not a security issue... once you enter your password in terminal it is remembered for about 10 minutes even if you close the terminal.
Only when you use sudo, but not when using su.
... The NScripts already contain the Rootilus script, which uses either gksu or gnomesu (depending on what you have installed) and will then open nautilus as root.
A better solution : Create a Nautilus launcher ( go to the apps / system tools menu, right click on the nautilus icon will give you an option to create a launcher either on desktop or panel ). Right click on that new launcher and open the settings. In the command line put gksu infront of the rest of the command, e.g. gksu nautilus ... Now when you click that launcher a nice window opens asking you for the password. No console needed. Make sure gksu is installed on your system.
That worked. Thanks :). This is very helpful. A note to others: If his instructions don't work, right-click on the desktop, select "Create Launcher..." and enter <i>gksudo nautilus</i> as the command.