Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Simple theme with many colors to use. It is released in 2 versions:
- (rounded) version with rounded corners
- (squared) version with squared corners
There is also a version with predefined Clearlooks blue color (as seen on screenshots).
There is also XFCE version of this theme. Just follow this link: http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=141427 Last changelog:
- (rounded) version with rounded corners
- (squared) version with squared corners
There is also a version with predefined Clearlooks blue color (as seen on screenshots).
There is also XFCE version of this theme. Just follow this link: http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=141427
* predefined themes with Clearlooks blue color added.
Ratings & Comments
Any chance to see some of your themes for Openbox? Thanks!
I already experimented with porting OneColor theme to Openbox. Unfortunately there is so much to learn to create Openbox themes as I don't plan to release any theme for Openbox recently. Anyways thanks for your question :)
Thanks anyway! :) Did you succeed at porting Onecolor? I found the XFCE and Metacity versions only.
No, I didn't succeed yet. I've left the port unfinished. Maybe next time :)
Very good theme. I have used it for years now under Linux Mint Cinnamon. Unfortunately, in Cinnamon 3.8 there was a change now. Titlebar themes are now restricted to metacity-3. Therefore, I cannot use this theme any more. Is there a chance to update it to metacity 3??
A very good theme. Rounded version?
Rounded version will be available soon. I am working on it. :)
Rounded versions are finished and are now available on "Fugitive" Metacity theme page. Enjoy :)
A very beautiful Metacity theme to be sure :)