Clearlooks blend
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A modification of the Clearlooks 2.0 theme that makes the unfocused windows more subtle and fades the title bar in to the window body (with Clearlooks GTK themes at least)
Screenshots taken in Fedora Core 6 using the Clearlooks Cairo 6x GTK theme. Last changelog:
Screenshots taken in Fedora Core 6 using the Clearlooks Cairo 6x GTK theme.
* Dark border on bottom of unfocused title removed so that title bar blends more with window body
* Dark border on bottom of focused title lightened so that change from unfocused and no line to focused isn't so major
* Outer border of unfocused windows lightened so that background windows are more subtle and subdued
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