Human Vista
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is my interpretation of combining Vista with Human, I like it, hope someone else does because this took a while to get the colours right, I didn't alter the XML file, so the origanal author should take credit for the layout, i would also reccomend using the human theme for the gaim guifications for the complete ubuntu experience.
All Comments Welcome, if a window's styled button set is wanted, i don't imagine that would be too hard. Last changelog:
All Comments Welcome, if a window's styled button set is wanted, i don't imagine that would be too hard.
Added Two Varients:
1) A lighter theme for those that requested it.
2) A green leafy looking colour.
Ratings & Comments
Ok, i have tried editing the theme and getting it to assume the theme set by GTK as opposed to the colours in this theme, this has proved more challenging that first though, and with exams coming up, i simply don't have the time to learn and re-write any XML atm. Sorry guys.
Nice work. I like it! I'd like to know which firefox theme you used in that screenshot. Thanks!
I think he used a variant of iPox
It's called Saferfox Xpanded and it's version number is 3.2.2.
All i can say is, i can try, as stated i did not write the XML theme file, i just changed the colours to suit my ubuntu desktop, that might take a while to achieve, since i would have to study a fre theme files to understand what was going on. But, I can promise i will try.
Can you add another version of this great metacity theme that get the color of other gtk themes. Like it doesn't stay orange if i chose a theme that lets say has blue color
I like it even if it is a bit dark. :-) I'm already using it and I look forward to your updates.
That's what i did, took the colours from the logo. But 2moro if you want the colours lifted i can try that. Thanks for the feedback though, tis much appriciated. BTW: Nice sig, serenity fan :D
That's what i did, took the colours from the logo. But 2moro if you want the colours lifted i can try that. Thanks for the feedback though, tis much appriciated.
The colour is off in my eyes too. If you really want to get the colour bang on, take a screenshot of the Human theme, throw open the gimp and find out the hex for the colour.
it's a little dark. Lighten it up a little, and it's perfect!