While KDE5 Breeze theme is totally alright I must admit that I have been missing QtCurve in Kubuntu 15.04. So since were on 15.10 now where QtCurve once again is available I thought it was about time to get back into QtCurve.
This theme is taking some distance to the popular flat appearances most hip desktop themes are aiming at. In that sence this theme is more traditional.
It offers a creamy, soft touch to your Qt applications.
The zip acrhve contains the QtCurve theme and two color schemes. One with blue marking color and one with dark gray. The dark gray can be used together with the blue one in a hack to remove the blue titlebar line. Continue reading Setup if you wanna use the hack.
----- Setup ------
If you, like me, are a bit annoyed at the blue (or whatever your markin color is) titlebar separator line each active window has I have an easy hack for it in this theme.
1) Go to Window Rules in System Settings and create a new rule. 2) Name it titlebar hack or something 3) Window type: Normal window 4) Force titlebar to use Solid Lightning QtCurve Neutral Graphit 5) Make sure that this new rule is at the bottom of your rule-list so it won't overrule any other tweaks you might have.
Ratings & Comments
What are those icons ?
Yea ;-)
Yes, Papirus :-) And then I am using Docky with transparent theme.
++++ up for stand up against the almigthy "flatterism" that has ruled the land for years now - have fun ;-)
Haha, thanks man :-)