Suite includes: Qtcurve config, aurorae window borders, colorscheme and amarok style

To install:
import zink.qtcurve in the qtcurve configuration window
import Zink.colors in the colorschemes settings
install the aurorae theme zink.tar.gz through the aurorae settings, or get it through GHNS
move default-theme-clean.svg to /usr/share/kde4/apps/amarok/images/
Install ALLGREY uniq ed. through GHNS at the icon settings, go to advanced and set gamma on all icons to about 70%

Ratings & Comments
Its GREAT! Thank u so much!
That is just soooooooo beautiful i really like this style ^-^ hope if u could make a desktop theme for it too !!!!!! only the lock (Lock the screen) button is missing Thanx a lot =)
I'm picky about themes and this's my new one.