Here this theme in a single package, all credits to UnderTheGun.
(Open with Skinx:
La decorazione delle finestre è abbastanza più spessa di molte altre, e su portatili con schermo piccolo occupa un sacco di spazio. Sai se c'è modo di ridurne l'altezza?
Per il resto, ottimo tema: lo uso ormai in pianta stabile. Grazie! ;)
Si, c'è un modo. Puoi impostare la dimensione preferita con AuroraeDesigner ( )
Avvii il programma, apri il mio tema e da lì puoi impostare molti diversi valori!
Fammi sapere.
Thanks man ^^.
Very soon there will be an important update, I'm working on a lot of details.
In the next release I will add:
* Kate/Kwrite color scheme
* Konsole/Yakuake color scheme
* some theme improvements
..and I'd also like to add:
* Splash screen for KDE4
* KDM theme
* plasma theme, stay tuned! ;)
Ratings & Comments
Very nice, is flat, is simple, is minimalist. IS PERFECT
Many thanks jack! I'm really glad you like it ^_^
Here this theme in a single package, all credits to UnderTheGun. (Open with Skinx:
Ciao! La decorazione delle finestre è abbastanza più spessa di molte altre, e su portatili con schermo piccolo occupa un sacco di spazio. Sai se c'è modo di ridurne l'altezza? Per il resto, ottimo tema: lo uso ormai in pianta stabile. Grazie! ;)
Ciao! Si, c'è un modo. Puoi impostare la dimensione preferita con AuroraeDesigner ( ) Avvii il programma, apri il mio tema e da lì puoi impostare molti diversi valori! Fammi sapere.
I can not put the fonts like you. Please take a screenshot from systemsettings >> font type. It's a nice appearence, congratulations.
Thanks dude! About CommeFont is all ok now? Or same problem?
Really thank you for this theme
I'm really glad you like it ^^, thanks!
wow! it's amazing! ^^ ..and what desktop! Cool. What kind of icons do you use? Flattr by Nitrux? And the Plasma theme? :D Very nice.
p.s. ..and thanks for having used my theme in your screen-shot :)
Thanks. The icons are Flamini and the Plasma is Hex [Shameless plug] I've also ported Hex to be::shell. Dark background is taking a bit of work. Hard to get the contrast correct.
Voted up
^^ thanks! I'll add your colors scheme very soon: my theme will be even more complete and beautiful...hope :D.
looks good
Thanks man ^^. Very soon there will be an important update, I'm working on a lot of details. In the next release I will add: * Kate/Kwrite color scheme * Konsole/Yakuake color scheme * some theme improvements ..and I'd also like to add: * Splash screen for KDE4 * KDM theme * plasma theme, stay tuned! ;) Cheerio
you can look for inspiration on .. so far the best ksplash around.
I already made a splash screen inspired by that, but it's just for Chakra. Look: