The archive contains a Kvantum theme, Aurorae decoration and colorscheme.
UPDATE: Dynamo is now part of the default themes included in Kvantum, under the name of KvDynamo!
Credits to the KDE Visual Design Group for Breeze and to UTG for the original Descartes Breeze decoration.
- Download & install the Kvantum style from here:
→ - if you installed Kvantum before, update to the latest release!
- Extract the archive, copy the Kvantum folder to ~/.config
- Copy the color-schemes and the aurorae folders to ~/.kde4/share/apps or (depending on your distro) ~/.kde/share/apps
- From systemsettings, set Kvantum as default style, and select the Dynamo colorscheme and decoration
Release Candidate: Redraw for checkboxes, changed the appereance for scrollbars on mouse hover, bigger arrows and treeview indicators, different text color for toggled buttons (Kvantum v.0.4), bigger checkboxes and radiobuttons(Kvantum v.0.4)
Third Beta: fixed the progressbars in Kvantum v.0.3, removed the background from scrollbar arrows
Second Beta: Fixed the slider cursor appearance, started to adopt lineargradients for buttons, removed the background from tab widgets, changed button size & text color.
- Finish the theming of headers
- Try to draw shadows on buttons
- Redraw for progressbars
Currently there's an issue with the Get Hot New Stuff window:
This is not caused by Kvantum itself, but it's due to a design choice within my theme (text margins > 5 likely cause it). Since the buttons size is very specific in Dynamo, i'm not gonna change this (unless it turns out it happens in other applications too).
Please, report any weird behaviour from this theme in the comments

Icon theme will follow soon.
Hope you'll like these themes! Feedbacks and critiques are appreciated

Ratings & Comments
Ciao hombre. Sto usando il tuo tema (davvero ben fatto!) da diversi giorni...Non mi riesce di risolvere questo piccolo "bug": Come vedi il nome del menu è bianco con una strana ombra sotto. Sai come posso risolvere? Mille grazie per adesso! Tieni questo tema in vita!! Lo adoro!1 ^^
I'm the developer of Kvantum and came here accidentally. Dynamo is a nice theme but needs to be updated due to many changes in Kvantum. That's the cause of the probem you mentioned. I made an updated version of it and here is a link: Please note that (1) the author of Dynamo is NOT responsible for the above link as I am NOT responsible for Dynamo; (2) the file should be used with the latest Kvantum; and (3) I will delete it after a few days.
I can't install kvantum, I compiled source code and moved it to /usr/lib/kde4/plugins/styles/ but I can't find it in widget style under application Appearance. any ideas?
What icon theme do you use ?
But is there something GTKish lik this in order to not have a pre win95-lookalike Firefox?
A firefox and a GTK theme are both planned. Meanwhile, i recommend you the FXOpera FF theme: took the freedom ;-P
You did right. My apologies for making you wait that long, Thomas. I kept forgetting about it, during these months... :( I'll find a way to be forgiven ;)
No problem. I just thought because Rob suggested, you two were on a c++ style.
What fonts are you using?
The font is "Trebuchet MS", i also use the infinality patch for better rendering.
Very nice.
Glad you like it :)
I really like it! Well done my friend!
Thanks for both the support and the original aurorae theme :D