KvSimple for Kvantum
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
KvSimple is a light, monochrome Kvantum theme with an emphasis on elegant simplicity. It needs Kvantum>=0.8.25 and supports window translucency (can be disabled by Kvantum Manager).
For the best look, a matching Arorae decoration (which works under both KDE4 and KF5 but with different installaton paths) and also an Openbox decoration (for LXQT -- see INSTALL) are included.
9 Dec 2015
* Modified KvSimpleBlue.
30 Nov 2015
* Added a version with some blue elements (KvSimpleBlue).
19 Oct 2015
* Increased the max progressbar thickness to 100.
* Added an LXQT (panel) theme.
11 Sep 2015
* Transparent side-pane for PCManFM-qt (needs the latest Kvantum >= 0.8.25).
* Larger Openbox titlebar with a hover effect for buttons.
* Added extra explanations on LXQT to INSTALL.
* Sharp edges for opaque/shadowless menus.
21 Jul 2015
* Added a matching Openbox decoration theme.
20 Jul 2015
* More elegant progressbars, scrollbars, sliders and floating tabs.
* Added optional translucency.
* Added a separate background for dialogs to integrate their titlebars (needs Kvantum>=0.8.23).
Ratings & Comments
Have you still that older version ? i moved back to mageia from arch linux.But problem is mageia use older 0.9.0 lxqt,panel theme is not compatible with that version.
No, I don't. But if you change every occurrence of LXQt to LxQt in lxqt-panel.qss, it should work.
My laptop get broken i need to wait to next week to get new computer,i will test soon it i can.
Oh, the theme is OK. I hope you'll enjoy your new computer ;)
I got it yesterday asus laptop and yes panel theme looks good and works ok.
Good to know that! My laptop is Asus too; it goes very well with Linux.
Panel theme get broken with new lxqt 0.10 in my arch linux.
I'll look into it as soon as I have time. Now I'm busy with fixing a bug in pcmanfm-qt.
It should be fixed now.
Download it again! I fixed an issue with the keyboard indicator too.
Looks awesome thx. :)
Thanks for your feedback.
Can you make custom lxqt panel theme to get even more better integration to lxqt ?.
I prefer a translucent dark panel with all themes, having added a blurring effect to it with compton. But OK. I'll add a matching panel theme later and will let you know.
Done! Download the latest archive and read INSTALL!
I see you use in that screenshot gparted,what gtk theme you use in lxqt ?.
I use the default Adwaita theme. For GTK2, I've modified it a little, as explained in INSTALL.
Thanks, I like very much this theme, only one thing, in Dolphin does not show the free space numbers
Would you please tell me which version of Dolphin you use? Aren't those numbers shown at all or are they shown partially?
If you use large fonts, please change the value of the key progressbar_thickness from 40 to 0 in ~/.config/Kvantum/KvSimple, then log out and log in. Are those texts shown now?
Hi bro, thanks for your help, this was the solution, changing the value from 40 to 0. Thanks for your excellent work, keep it up!
You're very welcome. BTW, you could find the meanings of all keys in Theme-Config (usually installed in /usr/share/doc/kvantum/doc/).
This is link where it was stored says not found. https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0BwlW9hKxf1tUaVI0ZUFxMFI1VUk
Ok. Let me first try LXQT and know if it accepts KDE icon theme structures. Then I'll have to edit/add some icons and choose a good name for the set. As said above, It'll take a while but I'll do it.
Done! See http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=171350