Wineight style qtcurve
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Dependency: qtcurve
Download to ~/.kde/share/apps/QtCurve/
To activate style open System Settings > Application Appearance > Style > Widget style > Qtcurve > Configure > Presets
To activate window decoration open System Settings > Workspace Appearance > Window Decorations > QtCurve
- 8.14.6 (12/13/2014): borders resized and group boxes without frame border.
- 8.14.4 (11/23/2014): gradient of tabs update.
- 8.14.3 (10/31/2014): lighter border of most widgets.
- 8.11 (10/13/2013): darker scrollbars, sliders and tabs.
- 8.10 (08/25/2013): better custom shades and tabs.
- 8.9 (07/25/2013): windows borders more reliable.
- 8.8 (07/20/2013): scrollbar and tabs appearance improvement.
- 8.6 (07/07/2013): sliders and scrollbar improvements.
- 8.5 (07/06/2013): refined shadows, sliders and general appearance.
- 8.4 (first release)
Ratings & Comments
I like themes like these, that are clear and very defined lines for all the elements.
Hi all, IMHO the theme it is not so bad. Indeed there are other themes, but this one has to be installed. By the way, what plasma the are you using in the screenshot? Thank you for sharing your work.
Hi, thanks to the comments. The plasma theme is Kotonaru.
I like it! Thanks.
Sorry, but Windows 8's flat, bland ugly colors are a huge step backward for the sake of consuming a fraction less CPU on limited tablets. Windows 8 looks like it was designed by Fisher-Price. No thank you. I like my textures, subtle shading, beautiful transparency and smoothe animations.
Yes, I know that. I personally prefer the default theme of KDE, but lots of sites are changing their layout to fit the Windows theme. I just wanted to try this way a little.