SOME REQUEST - a lot of you guy's were asking for binaries for their distros,
so please if you could build one and mail it to me i would post them ASAP, 10X

Hi there,
this is the deKorator kwin deco,
deKorator is based on the HOWTO: KWin Window Manager Decorations posted in here:
and done by Brandybuck, 10x david

the man that responsible for all the art design is jon clarke AKA ArbitraryReason, and if you don't know him by now all you should do is just look at the highest rated scores of this site

the nice thing about deKorator it's that it loads is images from
some user defined directory(something quiet similar to what iceWM is doing ),
thats means that everything is themeable with no time and no programming knowledge is needed.
one thing to note is that if you would like to see the changes instantly when designing the tiles, you need to run "kwin --replace&".
few notes:
when installing the new version, log out and login back, or run "kwin --replace&" to load the new version.
if for some reason some options dont seem to work, remove your old kwindeKoratorrc file and let deKorator produce a new one.
i will update my site with some more documentation, samples, template-themes, and other usefull stuff for the theme makers,
so don't forget to check it out, it will be located in the "goodies" directory.
how to install new theme - there r 3 ways to install new theme I'll name them out,
1 - downlad theme tarball and extract it to $HOME/.kde/share/apps/deKorator/themes
2 - download theme tarball, go to deKorator "themes" tab push the "install new theme" push button, you'll be presented with a dialog box, enter your theme URL or just use the little push button to locate your theme on your file system.
3 - go to kde-look and search for some 0.2 deKorator theme, in the theme post right click on the download link and "copy link address", then just go to deKorator "themes" tab push the "install new theme" button and paste the link onto the address bar, deKorator will download and install it for you.
most importent after any installation type, if you'd like to use the theme you need to press on the "set theme path's" push button.
And PLEASE if you got any comment good or bad, suggestion, feature request, other tiling format idea, please feel free to shout it...
10x to eyal the project is hosted now at, you could also find there some theme's i've ported from 0.1 to 0.2.
Ratings & Comments
very nice collection & simple install!!! voted good :) thx
Okay, I feel like an idiot, but how do I open deKorator? I don't know where it installed to.
Just wondering if you are working on this. If you do I have some requests :) 1. Be able to set the title-bar text on Y-coordinates (up or down) at what pixel I want. 2. A frame around the title bar-text (like the old Keramik-theme). With those two suggestions added, the possibility's are endless :)
Hy, jo, not Kool, so it's mus work ;) hand by hand and frendly :) have now right on you mirror linked ;) best wishes and nice greetings Blacky
Hy motyR, mail is out :) regards Blacky
when downloading your files, they're both the same check it out...
or just mail it, it would be easier...
Hy motyR, sorry if i had not mailed, but you can download the two files for u mirror ;) (plz, download it, the src.rpm is in my dyndns) And, why do you not make a homepage on you mirror.. i have set the hp-addy to /hp ;) but, nice work in the source ! very fine work motyR ! was a good compilation ! thy for dekorator 0.3 ! greetings and best wishes to Israel and to you motyR Blacky (Ger)
well it's the ass man:D yea sure i'll download them and host it there, no problem. 10x alot:)
oky, if it's on you mirror, than linking it there on ;) i had redownload the actual file infront of 30-40 min and had it make to rpm/src.rpm , i think it's the newest from u Mirror.. you have ubuntu-dep on you /0.3 nea ;) eehhmm, what it the dekorator-0.3-1.i386.rpm ? is this the one what the tar in /0.3/SOURCE also the relaise 1 ? :)
ammm donno really which is what, i just host what users mail me, any way they're up on the server, 10x alot:)
oooky, have the link updatet to you mirror, thy a lot :) p.s.: forget the ass-picture i be a Biker *s* look on my Hp:
uuppss, i had mean the src.rpm , this is hosted by my dyndns... the normal rpm is hosted by regards Blacky
ha you're a biker, whooo i'm crazy about bikes.thats my other passion, or at least was, especially dirt-bikes, i use to own yamaha banshee-350, suzuki RM-250 and honda CR-250, if you know what are those... cheers
jo, i like it too so.. i now what you mean, in the net be enough pictures ;) i drive at moment if u can see a Sevenfifty from Honda with bag's, i had drive a XT500 (was mine and kuult) and a CD1 (nc27) (look here: small and bad, all cb1-mashins be greyimported) the CB1 was my first one of Motorcicles..6 Jears on the drive only Bike not a car;) brows my, Motorrad, Bilder... back to the src.rpm, can you upload the src.rpm on you mirror ? regards Blacky
both of the rpms are there...
hy motyR, i see : deKorator-0.3-1.i386.rpm dekorator-0.3-mdk.i586.rpm dekorator-0.3-mdk.i586.rpm.1 # 2x the same file ... upload the src.rpm for it ;) dekorator-0.3-x86_64-1.tgz kde-dekorator-0.3-ubuntu_0.3-1_i386.deb do you see, now what i mean ? ;) regards Blacky