the vision gtk theme , download links below

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
fixed some bugs with the buttons (like when
all of them are not show),it looks "OK" now,
but far from good. I still have to fix like
a help button and some other extra buttons.
0.2 more integrated look with gtk2 vision.
Ratings & Comments
I'm Geeky and I absolutely LOVE this one.'re getting to be a 'Rembrandt here. You sure you're real name isn't Harmenszoon van Rijn? (LOL) Keep up the great work!
Hehe! Shit dude!!! Thanks! Glad you like my work!! //Robert
Hello Robert, which icon have you used for the mainmenu?
called "panel-button-menu.png" in the panel folder of the vision gtk theme :) //Robert
Artifacts on help button on some windows! my emerald is compiz-emerald-0.7.4-3.1
ic, I have to make a help button then :) when I have time I do it thanks for reporting //Robert
it's no separation If only minimize and close buttons. In some cases windows got no minimize button, it looks not so good.
yeah it looks like shit :) I will have to fix that, when I have time, I have like no idea on how to keep the buttons integrated with each other and rid this problem, but I will try :) If you come up with a solution, let me know will ya? //Robert
it's not possible to solve problems in all cases for his style. very sorry. :(
I'm fixing the buttons now... will upload later today or tomorrow :) will do the help button some other time. //Robert
Looks great! Good job as usual, Rob.
Always great Robert! Good job and voted good of course :-) Puli
Btw you will have now to release a light version of Slickness to work with this! :PPP
Thanks! hehe, it's meant to be used with vision gtk , download links above :) //Robert
I like the design very much. As usual good work comes from TheRob. Thanks.
Thank you man!
The quote! I love it! "No Cure for Cancer" was full of sooo many good ones.
:D Exactly!! denis leary is a genious!!! (my wife hates him tho ;D) No cure for cancer is a masterpiece! //Robert