It should be pretty easy to change the color, just edit the active/inactive (8642 and 8962) gradients in decoration.svgz

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.95 Added restore button
0.91 tiny fix, added a highlight on the left side
0.9 Initial Release
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Aurorae is used by Kwin to provide customized Window Decorations for KDE Plasma.
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Ratings & Comments
is there a version of this theme with the keep above/always on top buttons? thanks!
Why does the Chrome/Chromium window border/decoration so sucky on X11? The windows version is quite good, crisp & clean. Wonder if that would have happened with another toolkit.
When I was using this theme I started experiencing problem with switching windows. Every 4-6 application switches with alt-tab, but also displaying yakuake window, the system would become unresponsive for 3-4 seconds. Whenever this happens 'top' shows very high CPU usage by 'X' process - above 50%, and even up to 100% of the CPU. Has anybody else experienced anything like that?
HI! I have installed the KDE 4.4.0 "relese 222", from the openSUSE factory repo, and this window decoration doesn't work properly. There is a huge gap between the close and the maximize button. Any idea how to fix it? Thanks in advance!
That's probably just the default icon spacers from oxygen, go to systemsettings>windows>buttons tab, check "use custom titlebar button positions" and then manually edit the layout
Thank you very much! Now it works perfectly! BTW, may I suggest a new "incognito colored" version? I mean, few of us run chromium with the incognito switch, like this: "chromium --incognito" and thus the whole window has a very nice dark color. I think it would be wonderful, if we could use your window decoration in that color!
why not do a version with some transparency?
This is the first Aurorae theme with inner borders. I will study it and see if I can do the same for Air-oxgyen. Thank you.
nice to see more people making themes :), tell me if you need any more help
Could you also provide the "restore" version of the maximize button? (when maximized, the button looks like "two stacked windows")
done already, I'll upload the update later today (0.95)
Thank you. This is by far my most favorite Aurorae. (and the dark version looks good too) I've used your SVGs in my experimental decoration Chromi ( I could never make it as pretty my self. Thanks again!
And can I have the honor to list you in the "authors" of that deco? Thanks.
sure :). If you'd like I could probably help some more with it
Quality port! /izo\
thanks man :D
yeah, looks really nice! good work! could you add highlighting? that would be awesome :D
and btw: it would be great, if you could close maximized programs, when you click on the upper right pixel of your screen. (this makes fast actions possible ^^)
If I did then it wouldn't look good windowed, it's a limitation in aurorae. What do you mean by highlighting?
Guess s/he means the hover effect in Chrome --- the button under mouse gets a white border. Anyway, good job!
If you need more functionalities in Aurorae please open feature requests on You're the designer and I have no idea what you actually need. Btw: great work.
thanks for the tip, I'll post a few requests later :)
Nice job on the theme. :)
thanks :)