Thanks to Tiheum for his master crafted icons

match more apps icons
missing actions icons
replace identical icons with symbolic links to reduce iconset size.
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
version 0.6
more sytemsettings icons
match more applications icons
version 0.5
systemsetting icons.
bookmarks and preferences icons.
new theme for dark color schemes
version 0.4
default kde logo icon for start mení¹.
some minor fixes
version 0.3
added icons to match more kde apps.
created kopete icon.
version 0.2
using Threshold type icons instead of Fixed type icons to fix icon lookup in kde 4.4 plasma panel.
added 128x128 and 64x64 icons for actions and categories
version 0.1
initial release:
updated icon.theme to kde specifications.
added 64x64,128x128,256x256 png icons because in kde4 scalable icons are not
used/loaded when PNG icons are present: see bug
Ratings & Comments
Hi, Is it possible re-upload the file with that perfect icon theme?
These are nice, but I wish they were more complete. E.g. there's no Dolphin "details" or "split" view icons.
Awesome work! Thank you for sharing :D Lavoro Grandioso! Grazie per aver condiviso:D
Please, update this awesome icon theme! I'm still using it and it's still my favourite! :)
Yep, an update would be most appreciated :-) This is my favorite set ATM :)
Could you explain us what Plasma theme are you using ? Thank you .
Awesome theme, great job! Any plans to continue this excellent work? Faenza 0.8 came out today... Just asking :)
C:\Documents and Settings\giovanni.santoni\Desktop\Faenza-kde4-0.6.tar.gz ??
Best K4 icon theme i´ve seen. Just one prob, firefox isn´t using the icons in its toolbar :( any idea? i tried a lot, but didn´t found a solution.
Firefox is gtk application in kde is handled by qtcurve, which chooses itself the icons for the toolbar (i.e. it uses kde default ugly icons) anyway nice porting mate, BUT you must learn to use symbolic icons! the pack is way to heavy....i'm making a faenza-cupertino version of this, and there is a HUGE work to lighten the theme!!! :S
I think this could do the most of this work: If I'd only get how to use it ... Anyway, great icon set.
I think this could do the most of this work: If I'd only get how to use it ... Anyway, great icon set.
hello,I plan to support this icon theme in "Oxygen KDE" for Firefox in the next version :) good work santgio72 :)
screenshot :
The 'user-available' status icon can be used for 'user-online' by the way.
I hope you're able to put "every" icon in there that's possible. Krusader,, kdesvn are a few of the ones that I personally am missing. :) Navigational buttons look nice, hope they'll get accompanied but the toolbar buttons "Detail", "Columns", etc (like in Dolphin). Great job!
Please, fix apps/scalable/system-file-manager.svg (it's still nautilus) and add libreoffice icons (just symlinking OOo ones should be fine)! The most important request is still the same, though: please, keep up the good work! :)
very nice! exept maybe the firefox icon and the "stop" button is awful (red?!)
Thanks, I was waiting for that ;)
very nice if you can change icons for okular and ktorrent it will be awesome (:
Love it! Keep up the good work!
In 0.6, the file manager has Wireshark icon......... 0.5 is fine
LOL, it's true xD
can't download now: 404.
Very nice work! In Kopete the "online icon" is still missing. So i looked into your Icon Pack and i found the icon. I have no idea why there is still the Oxygen "online icon" :/