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After two years of hard work, it is now finally time to release the 1.0 version of Crystal SVG

This is probably the biggest update of Crystal, allot of icons have been redesigned, others have been added, special care was given to Koffice and Kopete.

Thanks to:

Connectiva - For financing me in the beginning of this project

Suse - For supporting me and the project in 2003

Lindows - Who has hired me as their staff, and will support Crystal from now on.

LinuxCult - Who thru NullMind hosts my sites and online projects.

And to my Wife .. who has been patient and very forgiving for all the time I spend on the project instead of with her, and to God almihty who makes it all possible.

And last, a special thanks to all the KDE developers who make it the best desktop manager out there !!

Than you for everything

* - Altorught this version is known as "SVG", the icons are still in PNG format, the SVG files will be relased once the support for the format improves in KDE.
Last changelog:

This version was discontinued, To get Updates please find by Crystal Project.

Ratings & Comments



The files are gone....


Where can I download this icons?


If you may, please release the SVG files. It seems that SVG is supported in KDE


where is the download? i like this icons!!

GrzegorzJZD There are also in meny distro repo. Just search your package manager for it.


You could also download this:


Is it possible to download these icons? If so, where from?


That's a stupid question eski037, how could you even expect a reply!? I mean, why would a d/l link be posted if this icon theme wasn't downloadable!!? No wonder nobody has posted a response! Listen, just click on the d/l link, then find the non-existent file! It's obvious!!



I have written a Perl modul called HTML::Menu::TreeView what use the Crystal icons. And i thought this is right place to tell it ...


I've been searching all over the place for the svg icons. I'm trying to create an Crystal based theme for ZETA OS. But seeing we use svg instead of png for our icons (I've played a bit with the gnome icons that are working) I am still not able to find the svg icons. If someone of the dev's for the crystal theme is reading this and try's to contact me you can reach me at the email adres: Begasus at skynet dot be. TIA


Hello, which licence is used for the crystal clear icons. Are you allowed to edit the icons or use it for commercial purpose? If you are allowed to edit the icons where can I get the SVG files?


1.0 is hideous, I've already downloaded it and I'll definitely continue using 1.0beta; how could You??


Cool icons, those gives KDE a nice and modern look. Btw, what is the theme that you used in that screen shot, that theme looks very nice, I've never found such a theme. Thanks.


I wanna know too! That theme looks really kool. :D Maybe I'll do some research...


That theme is part of the Linspire Linux distripution. So in another words I don't think that we can just have it...


Aww but it looks so sexual :(


What licence is used? Up to now the field is empty. Where can you get the SVG source?


It took me a while to figure out where the sources are, and I looked for it first here, so writing it here may clarify some things. The 'original' sources were made in Adobe Illustrator, using some plugins. The 'SVG' in the name seems misleading. SVG files exported by AI need some manual work before they can be used in Linux vector graphics programs. Both the AI files and some converted to SVG can be found at wimer's account at suse. I couln't find it on the main site, but e.g. the following mirror works:


Your link is no longer works... Anonymous downoading is forbidden now... Can you please make source SVG avalible again, and put link to it to the main post, so it would be more easy to find it, not digging deep into the comments


Your icons are fantastic. Keep the good work. --------------- god bless you


I agree. These icons are beautiful. Are you choosing to release them under an open source license?


Hi, these icons are great! I was wondering what licence they are published under? I can see anything here or on your website. Thanks


i try to download the latest version since two days. the server does not respond. anyone else who has this problem?


KDE 3.3 seems to support SVG icons pretty well.. I tried to install this (very incomplete, but 100% SVG) icons set called "Lemon", and it worked perfectly.. Please give us SVG icons! ^^ Thanks

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version 1.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 5

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