This iconset is NOT an update to 0.9, the 0.9 iconset is now called "Crystal GT" (Good Times), and wont be updated anymore, the "Crystal Project" is a new and better version of the Crystal Icons.Last changelog:
after uncompressing the tar file, I did not find a theme file, so how do I install the theme in KDE Control Center? I followed the instructions:
1. Open the KDE-Menu and start the Control Center
2. Click on "Look and Feel" and "Icons"
3. Browse to the location of the new icon theme by clicking the small folder button - THIS IS WHERE I RAN INTO TROUBLE - NO THEME FILE
4. Click on "Install New Theme" to add the new icons
5. Click "Apply"
6. Have fun! :-)
Just be thankful it's free, boycottinga free product because it isn't as easy to get as you would like is ludicris!
Besides, I've registered and never got any spam from them.
download them too, but it is not possible to download this iconset.
You are not able to download them, also if u register @, i tried to register to download them, but never got an email, that i opened an acount. :(
Do something about it, or is it really not possible to get them...?
I am confused, but there are lots of other good iconsets, that you can use.
what's missing? A crystal style card set perhaps:
and a set of chess figures...
Wow! crystal is sooo nice. i wonder why it isn't called Krystal :-)
could you make the exit/lock icons a bit more crystalish? (so the light falls on top of them)
another thought I had was the filenew/open/save/saveas icons: how about making them similar (rounded) to the fileclose icon? you could make the new/open icons green with silhouettes of file & folder respectively, and the save/as icons yellow with disk silhouettes
>Rename 16x16/folder_gray to grey (you spelled the bigger sizes with an e).
>Make the filesave(as) icons the same in 22x22 as the 16x16/32x32 versions.
>Add 48x48 sizes for cd/cd_audio and lime icons.
>Rounded actions/stop icon (like the fileclose icon).
>Use the nicer Hardware icon also for kcmpci, hwinfo, kcontrol and linuxconf.
>Change the mimetypes/image icon to look like 006_drawing_document.
>Re-include the star icon & the hdd icon which looks like kcmdevices (and maybe the win/mac logo versions also)
These are so warm and 1337. The Red Hat Bluecurve icons are the worst icons possibly invented when compared to these. Actually, any other icon theme is terrible and evil when compared to these icons.
Great job, keep the icons coming!
No offense, but it's kinda a pain in the ass having to register just to download some icons (GPL icons at that...) I don't recall ever having to register to download on SourceForge or Freshmeat. Might as well call the damn website MicrosoftCult...
I know. Give me a break. I've been trying to download it for 2 days because it won't send me my old password. But then again, it would be a hassle even if i didn't.
The icons look great (my favorite), but like the poster above, I'd like to find the xmms skin in your screenshot, since it matches my window decoration.
Where can I find it?
Great Icon Theme,
Crystal is outstanding artwork.
Thanks Everaldo and Tackat.
I have one question: Where can i get this xmms skin of the screeny?
Thank you very much.
Ratings & Comments
It seems this icon theme is not only no longer updating, but has been abandoned. Too bad, I liked it.
Where is the download?? Can't find it...
what theme you are using? looks great
hey man, where does that xmms skin come from? thank you Fede
wow i really like these icons glade i downloaded them thanks
some winkiddie toss ported this icon set
after uncompressing the tar file, I did not find a theme file, so how do I install the theme in KDE Control Center? I followed the instructions: 1. Open the KDE-Menu and start the Control Center 2. Click on "Look and Feel" and "Icons" 3. Browse to the location of the new icon theme by clicking the small folder button - THIS IS WHERE I RAN INTO TROUBLE - NO THEME FILE 4. Click on "Install New Theme" to add the new icons 5. Click "Apply" 6. Have fun! :-)
you have to select the .tar archive instead
I'll boycot Crystal until this trashy download site is removed. What'll we get for registering ? SPAM! Regards.
Just be thankful it's free, boycottinga free product because it isn't as easy to get as you would like is ludicris! Besides, I've registered and never got any spam from them.
download them too, but it is not possible to download this iconset. You are not able to download them, also if u register @, i tried to register to download them, but never got an email, that i opened an acount. :( Do something about it, or is it really not possible to get them...? I am confused, but there are lots of other good iconsets, that you can use.
what's missing? A crystal style card set perhaps: and a set of chess figures... Wow! crystal is sooo nice. i wonder why it isn't called Krystal :-)
the audio-cd icon in kde's control center>sound & multimedia should be cd_audio.png and not the old 16x16?
could you make the exit/lock icons a bit more crystalish? (so the light falls on top of them) another thought I had was the filenew/open/save/saveas icons: how about making them similar (rounded) to the fileclose icon? you could make the new/open icons green with silhouettes of file & folder respectively, and the save/as icons yellow with disk silhouettes
>Rename 16x16/folder_gray to grey (you spelled the bigger sizes with an e). >Make the filesave(as) icons the same in 22x22 as the 16x16/32x32 versions. >Add 48x48 sizes for cd/cd_audio and lime icons. >Rounded actions/stop icon (like the fileclose icon). >Use the nicer Hardware icon also for kcmpci, hwinfo, kcontrol and linuxconf. >Change the mimetypes/image icon to look like 006_drawing_document. >Re-include the star icon & the hdd icon which looks like kcmdevices (and maybe the win/mac logo versions also)
Best...icons...ever! These are so warm and 1337. The Red Hat Bluecurve icons are the worst icons possibly invented when compared to these. Actually, any other icon theme is terrible and evil when compared to these icons. Great job, keep the icons coming!
No offense, but it's kinda a pain in the ass having to register just to download some icons (GPL icons at that...) I don't recall ever having to register to download on SourceForge or Freshmeat. Might as well call the damn website MicrosoftCult...
I know. Give me a break. I've been trying to download it for 2 days because it won't send me my old password. But then again, it would be a hassle even if i didn't.
everaldo, The icons look great (my favorite), but like the poster above, I'd like to find the xmms skin in your screenshot, since it matches my window decoration. Where can I find it? Thanks. John
Excellent work, I am from Brazil too, but I leave in London / UK. What do you do for a job? Voce trabalha em Informatica?
thank you!!! bem... eu trabalho como designer não sei se é essa a sua pergunta obrigado
I love your icons. BTW, what window decoration is that? It looks awesome.
WD = Kristall I believe. There are several versions of it here at KDE-Look.
Great Icon Theme, Crystal is outstanding artwork. Thanks Everaldo and Tackat. I have one question: Where can i get this xmms skin of the screeny? Thank you very much. Zwobits
Hi Mirrored the file here: Greetings Elias P. @Everaldo If you don`t want the file to be mirrored, mail to me, so I`ll remove it...