Index.desktop and index.theme is now inside.. both !
a Iconpack who i had make collages from diffrent pictures .. any Icons who i had make is from pictures were has no watermark, no istock pictures,but oky, i can say it's a child of inet...

(If not directly load it if you installed, reload a other theme then load again RealTime- Icons for fully loading the Icon-theme)
Take real-photos create collages and make as icons.. the "startpack" is from the from Breathless.tar.gz http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Breathless?content=60465 and had make enhanced and extended... or so.. added 5 folders, and make correcting the script for there more folders in the source, added/change codes and folder.. and mannnnnnyyyyy icons

EEEEhhhhmmm Hey, Gamers.. Doom3, Quake, this one from ID and so.. if you installing this icontheme you have a customacing feeling

Tip : Did you see my Colortheme ?
blackysgate.de for realtime - colorsheme
The old,gone Gnu Linux Forum's Tux, or Mark letz make a lil support for his Distrie , http://puppylinux.com Puppy

by finish iconpack:
load the iconpack.. and use the systemsettings or install it over Icon-configuration
in the Plasma-theme-Downloader/Installer, search easy to me "blacky" and you want found my both Iconthemes, Colorshemes and other
best regards
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