This is replacement for icons shown on buttons (KFaenza/actions/16 and 22).
I created also many corrections to symlinks.
I recommend backup your KFaenza/actions folder first!
To install just run as user (if you have installed KFaenza in user dir): tar -xvzf KFaenza_new16and22.tgz -C ~/.kde/share/icons/KFaenza/
or if you have installed KFaenza for all users as root: tar -xvzf KFaenza_new16and22.tgz -C /usr/share/icons/KFaenza/
----------------- Source of KFaenza can be found here:
[found in discussion at:]
Thanks to snakebite!!!
----------------- if you know how to substitute other oxygen icons (especially those marked as red), please help and send me private message! Last changelog:
0.2 created symlinks for trash button, created new icon mail-inbox and out-box notice: changes are made also to places (16,22) subfolder!
0.21 corrected dropbox icons (now they both turn right) changed volume icons for status (now all Faenza style) added symlink for weather-mist notice: changes are made also to status (16,22) subfolder!
0.3 replaced 16px icons previously made with convert command; recreated mail-message-new icon
0.4 added mail-copy and gnome-stck-mail-send icons, remake forward* and reply* icons so they look like black and not grey; rebuild symlinks to them;
it's my menu for XBar, I added 2 menu entries: Finder for dolphin and drop menu Desktop with some programs.
Many programs have their menus in this bar, unfortunately dolphin has none. In such case menu is captured by plasma.
Ratings & Comments
What is that in top left corner?
it's my menu for XBar, I added 2 menu entries: Finder for dolphin and drop menu Desktop with some programs. Many programs have their menus in this bar, unfortunately dolphin has none. In such case menu is captured by plasma.
what plasma theme are you using?
This is Tibana. btw all customization tips you will find here:
Sorry, it's: Air for notebooks plasma desktop theme (I changed some icons in XBar!), Bespin (style) and OSX_Aurorae (window decoration).