with both indexes: index.desktop and index.theme, therewith also again compatible with the actually Plasma-Desktops
Collages from
Photoshop template with many possibilitys, used by mime-types !
Thank you Pendragon for your icons

Thank you Buddys for your support and help !
and have found some very nice leather Folders where fits very well too..
for an Steampunk Theme. Maybe make i a 2nd Steampunk-Theme with Glass icons from Pentragon1966 ..
This Steampunk Icon Theme it is not finish and i want developing further on it and have many mime types to make and change out come icons where be only place-holders ..
i want send Greetings to Paladin-MMX with his many different of SteampunK Themes in KDE and other many Steampunk themes for different KDE Themeing
check out his Artwork / Content !!
Specially for him and all Steampunk Fans have i make this theme for KDE 4.4 and up

The tar.gz Themepack it is over 100MB, please be patient in the Thememanager or download it directly and install it manuell.
you can use this icontheme also in Gnome, make a ".icons" folder in your Homefolder, extract it there,
install/call gnome-tweaker and select your icontheme.
i have also other Iconthemes made, search for "blacky"
best regards
Ratings & Comments
10 Это крутые иконки
>Это крутые иконки Спасибо, но я немец, но я все еще говорю здесь на языке Интернета, английском, было бы здорово, если бы вы могли интегрироваться и говорить по-английски... или выучить, а затем написать здесь, мне тоже пришлось это сделать, и я' Я все еще учусь.. Спасибо :) Я сидел там очень долго, сейчас работаю над темой значков для Win7, просто найдите мое сокращение. "blacky" Thanks, but I'm German, but I still speak the internet language here, English, it would be nice if you could integrate yourself and also speak English.. or learn and then write here, I had to do that too and I'm still learning.. Thanks: ) I sat there for a really long time, I'm now working on a Win7 icon theme, just search for my abbreviation. "blacky" best Blacky
10 10 the best - vey nice icons. Hope to see more themes like this
I have a Steampunk icon theme, you are welcome to use any of them. Theme can be found here. http://dewman12.deviantart.com/art/Steampunk-3-0-548848116
this is an other, more square icontheme what you have.. why do you make advertising for your Icontheme by other one.. and you use Mega from Dr. Dotcom ? great ..
easy for download :) Thank you for you offering :) *thumpsup*
it's not many icons from Dean (for luck) because i had never a good feeling by him.. i be maybe in able to make it like by others.. because the icons mus be fit to setting together :) but thank you very much :) it is more the character of the demand/claim of him, it's ...... if you see what i meant.. ;) i have terminated the Friendship because he fell in my back because my English in an English forum because i can not speak UK-English (and i have read in this forum an couples other seats on other postings from him and have see how bad he is..) and now ...if any want give him an lesson.. so have fun..
Steampunk themes were my preferred some time ago b4 KDE5. U did an awesome good Artwork here over the years & it's nice for sure to notice that the project is still alive. But I am really disappointed that ur not a vector adept. note : pls remove in the package name, the annoying indication "scalable" and keep on the delightful good work
:) well, it works not at all at once, but it works with the time ;)
Very cool and diffrent even it missing some icons like *.pdf and soo . . Keep working ;-)
:) thank you :) and don't forget, KDE/Plasma have an icon-cache , this mus first actualisation at all, up to all works well and let show at all.. :)
Dont show up in settings KDE 4 . . there is no "index.theme" file ? Just an "index.desktop" is this theme installable at all ?
i make at moment a break, because in the reallive hard working and others, so more as less time :) It's a svg(z) theme, it need only a index.desktop for systemsettings theme manager, and if you had install, have you see to be works :) i have my "Real Time" icontheme in the same svgz converted. Should all works pretty well :) best regards Blacky