Gnomas&Trolas MixDiamond 48 Mod
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:It is based on Crystal Vista XT and MixMod and Crystal Diamond Mod.
New trash vista icon.
Crystal GIMP Icon.
Skype icon is different.
New konqueror crystal icon and Opera,too.
New KControl Icon,from FIFAWC2006 icons.
New player icons.
New kmenu-friender emoticons look likes like macintosh logo.
New debian folder icons.
For SuSE users new YaST icons.
New icons for OpenOffice.org.
New konsole icon.
New KGet icon.
New Firefox and Thunderbird icons.
New k3b icon is added,too from tuxicons.
New camera and hardisk's icons.
New cd and dvd's icons.
New icon for the home directory.
New system icon from Hal9000.
New KPackage icon from TuxiCONS
Added a lot of more icons.
Icon picsels:
I edited most 48x48 icons,so i think they are the best in the theme.
At all it is with very different look from the default icons.
How To Download:
1.From Rapidshare-If you are not a premium user,just click free wait a 60 secunds,enter the code and click download.
2.From File Factory-Click download with file factory free,wait for page to connect click Download Now and you are ready.
3.From Up-File.com-Just wait to load and download it.If there is a problem with this mirror write.
4.From Ultrashare.net-just Click Download Here.
5.From Depositfiles.com-just click ondownload under free enter the code and click download this file.
Ratings & Comments
These icons are rated poorly probably because it's another unoriginal mix of icons from various themes. I didn't vote by the way, but I'm pretty sure that's why others voted like they did.
I dont get why these icons are so low rated, they'r really good.
thanks for your comment.
I'm glad to tell you that the new mirror from ultrashare.net is now ready. It is from ultrashare because i can not connect neither to megaupload nor to depositfiles.com.
love to try your theme.it look great An error occurred while loading http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=40902&id=2: Could not connect to host store1.data.bg. ;-( will try again btw you can upload to other place like www.megaupload.com http://depositfiles.com etc.. i have no problem with those service
love to try your theme.it look great An error occurred while loading http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=40902&id=2: Could not connect to host store1.data.bg. ;-( will try again btw you can upload to other place like www.megaupload.com http://depositfiles.com etc.. i have no problem with those service
love to try your theme.it look great An error occurred while loading http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=40902&id=2: Could not connect to host store1.data.bg. ;-( will try again btw you can upload to other place like www.megaupload.com http://depositfiles.com etc.. i have no problem with those service
My internet connection is very slow. And because i live in Sofia(Bulgaria) i use a bulgarian mirror to host the file.Internet to Bulgaria from difference than to the rest parts of the world is enough good to upload the file. I will soon make a mirror from megaupload.com
I'm glad to post this comment. I will not use rapidshare again. I hope you are happy now. ;)
May i get wallpapers from your screnshots ?
what system monitoring tool is that your using.. looks awesome
Rapidshare pisses off as many people as downloads from them. close to 40 percent of the links clicked for the free downloads come back as 404 errors and they make it a pita to just download a 15 meg file. We quit doing business with anyone who uses them at Lobby4Linux. I agree, I would rethink using them. If they are the only way of getting server space, post it here. If you are a kde user, (like duh...) you can always use the public file server (KPF) that comes in kdenetworks. I am using it now to serve about 500 files a day and it works great
i really like this icon theme very much but i dont want to sign up for rapidshare just to gain access to it. why is it posted there?