Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I use the luna plasmoid but with the Naked theme it's not beautiful...
Also I make a new sgv for luna
Untar the file and replace luna.sgv in /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/default/widgets by this one (in Fedora9 luna.svg is there, for other distro I don't knows but I think it's easy to find)
I have made a mistake with the luna.svg
I upload a new one
I test actually Kde 4.2 beta and that don't work with my luna.svg.
With 4.2 beta version the luna plasmoid need a .svgz file.
Also I make it and now you are two svg files in download:
-luna.svg for kde 4.1
-luna.svgz for kde 4.2 beta
I made a new luna.svgz (download lunasvgz2) for user wanted a big image of luna on their desktop.
With the old luna.svgz, big image is too pixilated
with the luna applet, there is no image for new moon...
I transform the luna.svgz (rename image=29 to image=0) and with this new moon have an image.
Download lunatar.gz
Some users want want luna with different colors.
I made four luna (red,blue, yellow and green)
Download Luna-colors.tar.gz
Ratings & Comments
I think it should be the default in KDE!
When I replace the image with the new one I get no moon image at all when I start luna. When I open the image with inkscape all I see are red x's and 'linked images not found'. Is there a problem with the image or did I do something wrong?? bob
Excuse me but I have made a mistake with luna.svg. I upload a new one... It's work for me and I think that is work for you...
i have mandriva 2009 and i copy the luna.svg to /usr/share/apps/desktoptheme/default/widgets/ but nothing changes , the plasmoid has a non transparent frame (i am plasma naked theme fan too ;)) )
With Fedora that work fine. Have you replace an existing luna.svg? If no, your luna.svg is in other place. Try locate him.
i ve found only here [dimitri@localhost ~]$ locate luna.svg /usr/share/apps/desktoptheme/default/widgets/luna.svg [dimitri@localhost ~]$ after logout the plasmoid changes but i cannot see the moon at all!! is empty! may be the problem is the way that mandriva manage the svg ?
I don't use mandriva, but the original luna.svg is an .svg and you see him... Try re-boot your PC...
Excuse me but I have made a mistake with luna.svg. I upload a new one... It's work for me and I think that is work for you..
now it works fine ! thanks a lot
Oufff.... I am happy it's work fine. I hope it's work for other distro...