Description: Displays previous, play/pause and next buttons, and optionally album art.
Requires at least KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.10.
This pretty much works like the "Now Playing" widget that comes with kdeplasma-addons, but does not display any information (beyond album art, and that is optional). Instead, it will display previous, play/pause and next buttons, even when in a panel.
In KDE Plasma Desktop 4.11+, it will also display the icon for the currently selected media player if there is no album art available.
Note: the easiest way to install this is to go to add a widget to the desktop or a panel in Plasma, click "Get New Widgets" then "Download New Plasma Widgets" and search for "media controls" in the dialog box that comes up.Last changelog:
1.1: goes into two rows if there is room (eg: particularly wide panels), and works better on vertical panels.
I like it!!
But i keep getting this bug (a lot) where i can not jump to the next track (button greyed out).
(Using Amarok 2.7.1 on kde 4.10.4)
I dunno if this bug is related to amarok or to this plasmoid so i thout i'd ask here...
Ratings & Comments
I'm getting a funny space after the controls that doesn't show up in your screenshot. I can post something if you need.
I like it!! But i keep getting this bug (a lot) where i can not jump to the next track (button greyed out). (Using Amarok 2.7.1 on kde 4.10.4) I dunno if this bug is related to amarok or to this plasmoid so i thout i'd ask here...
Simple and just fit my needs, thank you :) Any reason not to use the default prev/pause/start icons ?
It uses the default Plasma versions of those buttons; they are intended to fit better with the rest of Plasma.
Hello. Could you tell me how to make this work with Xine or players that work like or based on xine-plugin? I will be glad. Thank you.
It will only work with media players that implement MPRIS2 support, I'm afraid.