seraphyn@sayuri:~/Downloads/histwi-0.4.0$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 32, in <module>
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 478, in setlocale
return _setlocale(category, locale)
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
There's an Error. Possibility to Fix it ?
- Mar 13 2010
Wallpaper Other by danieljucan 2 comments
Who aersoled the wall?
Greetings - Jan 30 2010
Nautilus Scripts by marc41 383 comments
Seraphyn - Oct 23 2009
Nautilus Scripts by marc41 383 comments
This means ~/.config/avconvert/.
Greetings Seraphyn - Oct 22 2009
so it's possible to send you only the lang-files and you do not need to provide diffrent versions.
One would be enough.
Interested in a german on, so give us the possibility to send you some lang-files like that.
Greetings - Sep 19 2009
Network by Amine27 18 comments
Freerapid is Java and uses too much ressources. But a native one would be nice.
Greetings - Jul 04 2009
Graphic Apps by discursive 4 comments
Greetings - Jun 29 2009
Wallpaper Other by KimberleyJo 1 comment
Network by thindil 2 comments
It will make it possible to run it in a screen-session on a Srv
Greetings - Jun 16 2009
Developers Apps by unclewerner 17 comments
pyuic4 uicmainwindow.ui >
pyuic4 uicaboutdlg.ui >
pyuic4 uicumlconnectorattributedlg.ui >
pyuic4 uictextaligndlg.ui >
An unexpected error occurred.
Check that you are using the latest version of PyQt and send an error report to, including the following information:
* your version of PyQt (4.4.2)
* the UI file that caused this error
* the debug output of pyuic4 (use the -d flag when calling pyuic4)
An unexpected error occurred.
So, it is not possible to build a deb from this.
Rewrote makefile from pyuic to pyuic4.
This one gave me an ERROR.
Any hints for that?
Chris - May 27 2009
Qt Tools by DrHorrible 17 comments
Qt Tools by DrHorrible 17 comments
RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_en_US.qm'
RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_it_IT.qm'
RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_en_US.qm'
RCC: Error in 'resources/application.qrc': Cannot find file 'translations/running_it_IT.qm'
startet with qmake.
This Error came up.
Any hints?
Greetings - May 19 2009
Used own laconia-Service with and it works.
Need some more configuration options. Like own services für short-URLs. Should be a possibility.
But I must say, that i prefer something on a console. Still waitin for an ncurses-app.
But nice work indeed.
Greetz - May 16 2009
Is the message, compiled with no Errors under Debian Lenny.
choqok(11030) AccountManager::AccountManager:
choqok(11030) KWallet::Wallet::openWallet: Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().
choqok(11030): The kwalletd service has been disabled
choqok(11030): The kwalletd service has been disabled
choqok(11030): The kwalletd service has been disabled
choqok(11030): The kwalletd service has been disabled
choqok(11030) AccountManager::loadAccounts:
choqok(11030) AccountManager::loadAccounts: 0 accounts loaded.
choqok(11030) MainWindow::settingsChanged:
) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLIN}])
read(3, "l\2\1\1\220\n\0\0$\0\0\0/\0\0\0\6\1s\0\6\0\0\0:1.206\0\0\5"..., 2048) = 2048
read(3, "<arg type=\"i\" direction=\"out\"/>\n "..., 2048) = 720
brk(0x9fbf000) = 0x9fbf000
brk(0x9fb7000) = 0x9fb7000
writev(3, [{"l\1\0\1\36\0\0\0\10\0\0\0\202\0\0\0\1\1o\0\20\0\0\0/MainAppl"..., 152}, {"\0\0\0\0\26\0\0\0\0\0\0\16/home/seraphyn\0\0\0\0"..., 30}], 2) = 182
gettimeofday({1241634802, 132662}, NULL) = 0
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN}], 1, 25000) = 1 ([{fd=3, revents=POLLIN}])
read(3, "l\2\1\1\4\0\0\0%\0\0\0/\0\0\0\6\1s\0\6\0\0\0:1.206\0\0\5"..., 2048) = 68
read(3, 0x9f864b8, 2048) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
exit_group(0) = ?
seraphyn@takeshi:~$ choqok(11030) AccountsWizard::AccountsWizard:
choqok(11030) MainWindow::setTimeLineUpdatesEnabled:
choqok(11030) MainWindow::loadAccounts:
choqok(11030) MainWindow::disableApp:
choqok(11030) AccountsWizard::slotButtonClicked:
choqok(11030) Backend::Backend:
choqok(11030) Backend::verifyCredential:
choqok(11030) Backend::slotCredentialsReceived:
choqok(11030) AccountsWizard::slotError:
btw i do not use kwallet. So there could be a problem with this.
Greetings Chris - May 06 2009
Fonts by jct007 5 comments
You got my Good vote.
thanks for the Screenshot...
Are they really SGI-fonts, can't remember it's long time ago i've worked with a real SGI machine.
Greetings - Apr 25 2009
Fonts by jct007 5 comments
Sometimes a reason to vote bad for me, but SGI stops for that. So, please keep up the good work and give a Screenshot.
and i'll vote for it.
Greetz Chris - Apr 24 2009
btw. i use debian and we prefer aptitude ;)
Thanks, that one was it.
Bilbo do not know serendpity, there it is movable type and not wordpress in autodetection.
And bilbo should have the possibility to set own tags, like [geshi] instead of <code> and important is the <blockquote> or the class quote, too.
I think if it is possible to set own tags this could be ignored.
Will Blog a Week with that and gave resume here.
greetings Chris - Apr 08 2009
But all dependencies are here, so there wasn't any problem at all, but this one:
[code]seraphyn@takeshi:~$ bilbo
bilbo(11126) global_init:
bilbo(11126) MainWindow::MainWindow:
bilbo(11126) Toolbox::Toolbox:
bilbo(11126) SysTray::SysTray:
bilbo(11126) DBMan::DBMan:
bilbo(11126) KWallet::Wallet::openWallet: Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126) DBMan::DBMan: Could not use Wallet service
bilbo(11126) DBMan::createDB:
bilbo(11126) DBMan::connectDB:
QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QMYSQL3 QMYSQL
bilbo(11126) Toolbox::reloadLocalPosts:
bilbo(11126) DBMan::DBMan:
bilbo(11126) KWallet::Wallet::openWallet: Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet().
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126): The kwalletd service has been disabled
bilbo(11126) DBMan::DBMan: Could not use Wallet service
bilbo(11126) DBMan::createDB:
bilbo(11126) DBMan::connectDB:
QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QMYSQL3 QMYSQL
QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'qt_sql_default_connection' is still in use, all queries will cease to work.
QSqlDatabasePrivate::addDatabase: duplicate connection name 'qt_sql_default_connection', old connection removed.
bilbo(11126) DBMan::connectDB: Cannot connect to database, SQL error: "Driver not loaded Driver not loaded"[/code]
All other KDE-Apps work nice, like krusader with kwallet etc.
Any hints?
Greetings - Apr 08 2009
Science by cottrellnc 1 comment
Greetings - Mar 28 2009
Gimp Palettes by gatogirl12345 3 comments
GTK2 Themes by jameshardy88 21 comments
I really now that well and i can tell you:
" Keep up the good work, you've done till now a right job"
Greetings - Mar 04 2009
GTK2 Themes by thibaut28 26 comments
Greetings - Jan 17 2009
GTK2 Themes by thibaut28 26 comments
Or did you know a theme that fits with yours?
Seraphyn - Jan 15 2009
GTK2 Themes by thibaut28 26 comments
I like it like that, no glossy, no blingbling, fine.
Keep up the Good work - Jan 07 2009
Groupware by seraphyn 2 comments
Seems like 868 Downloads here have had irreproducible problems.
Thx - Nov 12 2008
Fluxbox Themes by alsvartr 6 comments
- Oct 16 2008
Fluxbox Themes by alsvartr 6 comments
Where dud u find the Wallpaper?
Greetz - Oct 15 2008
Gimp Palettes by gatogirl12345 3 comments
Greetings - Aug 21 2008
GTK2 Themes by herbster 5 comments
Greetings Seraphyn - Aug 21 2008
GTK2 Themes by herbster 5 comments
Any hints?
Greetings - Aug 07 2008
GTK2 Themes by skinwalker 2 comments
thanks for the answere in advance and keep up the good work
Seraphyn - Jul 22 2008
Various Stuff by histo 2 comments
Seraphyn - May 29 2008
Network by Bestia 4 comments
No simple conversion like you have,
No possibility to rip audio.
So, there is not an automatism like in your App.
I know i could write my own script...
Greetings Seraphyn - May 19 2008
Wallpapers Debian by VemeC 1 comment
Is it possible to make a sharper version?
Greetings Seraphyn - May 18 2008
Network by Bestia 4 comments
Would be nice.
Greetings Seraphyn - May 18 2008
Wallpaper Other by spayder26 2 comments
First I thought, wtf, and the with a second look at it it must really say, nice and fresh idea, not seen before.
Seraphyn - May 13 2008
Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by falco101 34 comments
Nice red Color, don't bring up eyebleeding and not big glossy somtehing.
It is KISS and i like simple designs.
Seraphyn - Apr 29 2008